“debug.log Unity” Código de respuesta

Impresión de unidad a consola

// To print in the console use "Debug.Log()"

debug.log Unity

Debug.Log("Hello, World");
Comfortable Caterpillar

Unidad impresa vs registro de depuración

In Unity C#, Debug.Log() and print() are functionally identical
print() is just a bit easier to remember than Debug.Log()

print() is inherited from the MonoBehavior class, so any project without
public class ExampleClass : MonoBehavior {}
will not be able to use print()

debug.log Unity

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class MyGameClass : MonoBehaviour
    void Start()
       	Debug.Log("Logging Message to Console");
    	Debug.LogWarning("Logging Warning to Console");
        Debug.LogError("Logging Error to Console");

Deshabilitar debug.log Unity

 Debug.logger.logEnabled = true;
 Debug.logger.logEnabled = false;
Pleasant Puma

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