Unity Convertir píxeles a unidades

    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Collections;
    public class ResolutionCompensation : MonoBehavior
    public Vector2 WorldUnitsInCamera;
    public Vector2 WorldToPixelAmount;
    public GameObject Camera;
    void Awake ()
            //Finding Pixel To World Unit Conversion Based On Orthographic Size Of Camera
            WorldUnitsInCamera.y = Camera.GetComponent<Camera>().orthographicSize * 2;
            WorldUnitsInCamera.x = WorldUnitsInCamera.y * Screen.width / Screen.height;
            WorldToPixelAmount.x = Screen.width / WorldUnitsInCamera.x;
            WorldToPixelAmount.y = Screen.height / WorldUnitsInCamera.y;
    //Taking Your Camera Location And Is Off Setting For Position And For Amount Of World Units In Camera
    public Vector2 ConvertToWorldUnits(Vector2 TouchLocation)
          Vector2 returnVec2;
    returnVec2.x = ((TouchLocation.x / WorldToPixelAmount.x) - (WorldUnitsInCamera.x / 2)) +
    returnVec2.y = ((TouchLocation.y / WorldToPixelAmount.y) - (WorldUnitsInCamera.y / 2)) +
          return returnVec2;
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