Identidad de "Kulkie"


En mi carnicero local (kosher, Ashkenazi), uno de los cortes de carne que venden es kulkie o kolichel / kalichl . Es un corte duro y delgado con abundante tejido conectivo que es ideal para guisar. Sin embargo, no tengo la menor idea de lo que es, lo que presenta un problema si voy a un sefardí, o un carnicero kosher no judío, que probablemente no esté familiarizado con el término.

¿Qué parte de la vaca es el "kulkie"?

¿Le has preguntado al carnicero? Probablemente tiene una tabla que puede mostrarte.
John Feltz
@ JohnFeltz, lo haré si voy allí pronto, aunque es posible que él tampoco lo sepa.



My understanding of Kosher is limited, but from what little I know it's limited to the front half of the cow, although how that differs between the two branches I couldn't tell you. The picture of the cut you sent looks a lot like beef leg, so it would be foreleg, although it could be from the shoulder/neck area as well.

You're correct: in the United States, it would likely be the shin meat and referred to as the foreshank, or from the hind leg and called the hindshank.
Many kosher butchers are now capable of removing the sciatic nerve and fats which make the back half of the animal non-kosher. As such, assuming that all kosher meat comes from the front half is no longer a safe move.

It looks a lot like the mock tender: enter image description here

That's the teres major muscle, from the shoulder. In a different butchering, it would be part of the chuck. Despite the tenderloin-esque shape, it's rather tougher and benefits from stewing. (It's sometimes sliced to make steaks, but while the tenderloin yields filet mignons, this is considerably chewier.)

Joshua Engel
Is there another common term for the teres major?
Culinarily, I see it listed as the "chuck tender" or "shoulder tender" and names like that.
Joshua Engel
Anatomically, it's one of the numerous muscles involved in rotating the shoulder, just below the shoulder cuff. (The teres minor is part of the shoulder cuff.) I don't think it has a common name; there are a LOT of muscles in there.
Joshua Engel

Google searching various ways, this is what I found on Kosher Eye:

Kalichel: this refers to the animal’s leg meat and is usually sold boned. It is always very tender. It’s sometimes cut crosswise with the bone in and is excellent for hearty soups

So, it seems that @GdD is correct that it comes from the front half of the cow and is leg meat.

The pieces I had were not very tender, it seemed to follow more along Joshua's definition
I questioned that but, in light of the fact that the source says it excellent for hearty soups, it seems to be suitable for long cooking. Also, from the picture, it looks more like shin meat than shoulder meat.
if it had ever had a bone, I would have mentioned it in the OP. I guess it's possible, but I assume that I would be able to tell if it were boned.
Well, it only says that sometimes it has a bone.
Possible. I'm not an expert on kosher. Just posted what little I was able to find.