“Soluciones CoderByte SQL” Código de respuesta

Soluciones CoderByte SQL

In this MySQL challenge, your query should return all the people who report to either Jenny Richards or have a NULL value in ReportsTo. The rows should be ordered by Age. Your query should also add a column at the end with a title of Boss Title where the value is either None or CEO. Your output should look like the following table.
Horrible Herring

Soluciones CoderByte SQL

SELECT base_table_name.ID, base_table_name.Name, DivisionName, CASE WHEN base_table_name.ManagerID IS NOT NULL AND base_table_name.ManagerID = base_table_name.ID
then Name ELSE 'Susan Wall' END AS 'ManagerName', salary
FROM base_table_name  
left join cb_companydivisions on maintable_8V9LH.DivisionId = cb_companydivisions.id
olanrewaju sule-balogun

Soluciones CoderByte SQL

In this MySQL challenge, your query should return the information for the employee with the third highest salary. Write a query that will find this employee and return that row, but then replace the DivisionID column with the corresponding DivisionName from the table cb_companydivisions. You should also replace the ManagerID column with the ManagerName if the ID exists in the table and is not NULL.
Elegant Echidna

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