“declaraciones de selección de SQL” Código de respuesta


SELECT * FROM table_name;
-- Sorting col1 ASCending then col2 DESCending
SELECT col1, col2 FROM table_name ORDER BY col1 ASC, col2 DESC;
-- Filter on col1
SELECT col1, col2 FROM table_name WHERE col1 = 'a value';
-- Containing 'searched'
SELECT col1, col2 FROM table_name WHERE col1 LIKE '%searched%';
-- All different values
SELECT DISTINCT col1 FROM table_name;
-- Simple sum
SELECT col1, sum(col2) FROM table_name GROUP BY col1;

declaraciones de selección de SQL

SELECT orders.order_id, customers.last_name
FROM orders
INNER JOIN customers
ON orders.customer_id = customers.customer_id
WHERE orders.order_id <> 1
ORDER BY orders.order_id;
Attractive Ape


Mit SELECT können Daten aus der Datenbank abgefragt werden. Es ist die am 
meissten verbreitete Art.

  SELECT name
  FROM country
  WHERE region = (
      SELECT region
      FROM country
      WHERE name = 'Brasilien'
Eager Elephant

Declaración de selección de SQL

Projection = Select the columns in
a table that are returned by a query
Selection = Selects the rows in a
table that are returned by a query
Join = Brings together data that is 
stored in different tables by
specifying the link between them
Obedient Ocelot

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