“Python to Exe Converter Online” Código de respuesta

PY TO EXE convertidor en línea

#Convert .py to .exe don't use python ver 3.9 will not work recomment 3.8:

pip install pyinstaller

#to convert to a simple exe file the exe file will be in your dist folder
pyinstaller 'fileName.py'

#to convert to a onefile exe file the exe file will be in your dist folder
pyinstaller --onefile 'fileName.py'

to convert to a onefile exe file and the python window will not appear
pyinstaller -w --onefile 'fileName.py'

Python a Exe

pip install pyinstaller

cd FullPathOfFile in cmd console
pyinstaller --onefile pythonScriptName.py
# a .exe file is created in the FullPathOfFile\dist
Breakable Butterfly

compilador de python para exe

put this in a .bat file or just run it in CMD

pyinstaller --onefile file_name.py

Python to Exe Converter Online

pip instal pyinstaller 
Mirian Pulido

Python to Exe Converter Online

print("what is ur monthly salary")
salary= int( input() )
asalary= salary * 12
dsalary= salary/30
print("hourly salary",hsalary)
print("daily salary",dsalary)
print("monthly aslary",salary)
print("anual salary", asalary)
Expensive Eel

Python to Exe Converter Online

txt = input("")
txt2 = txt.replace("بجد" , "بإجتهاد")
txt3 = txt2.replace("حتى" , "كذلك")
txt4 = txt3.replace("حيث", "إذ")
txt5 = txt4.replace("يمكن" , "يجوز")
txt6 = txt5.replace("عندما" , "حينما")
txt7 = txt6.replace("يصبح", "يغدو")
txt8 = txt7.replace("ربما" , "من المحتمل")
txt9 = txt8.replace("اصبح" , "صار")
txt10 = txt9.replace("يتوجب" , "ينبغي")
txt11 = txt10.replace("يعتبر" , "يعد")
txt12 = txt11.replace("ضمن" , "بين")
txt13 = txt12.replace("تتطابق" , "توافق")
txt14 = txt13.replace("تطور" , "تقدم")
txt15 = txt14.replace("في البداية" , "عند البداية")
txt16 = txt15.replace("ترجع" , "تعود")
txt17 = txt16.replace("يرجع" , "يعود")
txt18 = txt17.replace("يعتقد" , "يفترض")
txt19 = txt18.replace("هو" , "يعتبر")
txt20 = txt19.replace("يحدث" , "يحصل")
txt21 = txt20.replace("الاكثر" , "اكثرهم")
txt22 = txt21.replace("الجميع" , "الكل")
txt23 = txt22.replace("اشتهر" , "عُرف")
txt24 = txt23.replace("اشتهرت" , "عُرفت")
txt25 = txt24.replace("سبب" , "اساس")
txt26 = txt25.replace("انه كان" , "كان")
txt27 = txt26.replace("عام" , "سنة")
txt28 = txt27.replace("اعوام" , "سنين")
txt29 = txt28.replace("وهو ايضا" , "بالإضافة الى انه")
#txt30 = txt29.replace("love" , "like")
#txt31 = txt30.replace("love" , "like")
#txt31 = txt31.replace("love" , "like")
#txt33 = txt32.replace("love" , "like")
#txt34 = txt33.replace("love" , "like")
#txt35 = txt34.replace("love" , "like")
#txt36 = txt35.replace("love" , "like")
#txt37 = txt36.replace("love" , "like")
#txt38 = txt37.replace("love" , "like")
#txt39 = txt38.replace("love" , "like")
#txt40 = txt39.replace("love" , "like")
#txt41 = txt40.replace("love" , "like")
#txt42 = txt41.replace("love" , "like")
#txt43 = txt42.replace("love" , "like")
#txt44 = txt43.replace("love" , "like")
#txt45 = txt44.replace("love" , "like")
#txt46 = txt45.replace("love" , "like")
#txt47 = txt46.replace("love" , "like")
#txt48 = txt47.replace("love" , "like")
#txt49 = txt48.replace("love" , "like")
#txt50 = txt49.replace("love" , "like")
#txt51 = txt50.replace("love" , "like")
#txt52 = txt51.replace("love" , "like")
#txt53 = txt52.replace("love" , "like")
#txt54 = txt53.replace("love" , "like")
#txt55 = txt54.replace("love" , "like")
#txt56 = txt55.replace("love" , "like")
#txt57 = txt56.replace("love" , "like")
#txt58 = txt57.replace("love" , "like")
#txt59 = txt58.replace("love" , "like")
#txt60 = txt59.replace("love" , "like")
#txt61 = txt60.replace("love" , "like")
rawan aldarabane

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