“Discurso para escribir cualquier cosa Python Code” Código de respuesta

Python Text to Speech

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#run in Cmd or in terminal 
#pip install pyttsx3
import pyttsx3
pyttsx3.speak("hi user")
Programmer of empires

Cómo hacer texto al habla en Python

pip install pyttsx3
import pyttsx3 # you have to import py for python tts means text to speech and 3 for version 3 

speaker = pyttsx3.init() # congrats you have initialized a text to speech object
speaker.say('The text you want') # he will not say the word he will just store the word he have to say'
speaker.runAndWait() # this means he have to speak the text which he have stored previously
Gorgeous Gemsbok

Discurso para escribir cualquier cosa Python Code

import pyttsx3
Coding boy Hasya

discurso de python a texto

pip install pyttsx3
Motionless Marten

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