“Compruebe si el elemento en la lista Python” Código de respuesta

Python Check String no existe en la matriz

arr_test = ["thetung1","thetung2","thetung3"]
title = "thetung"
if title not in arr_test:
Spotless Swan

Python Check si la lista contiene

# To check if a certain element is contained in a list use 'in'
bikes = ['trek', 'redline', 'giant']
'trek' in bikes
# Output:
# True

Compruebe si el elemento en la lista Python

listA = [item1, item2, item3]
if item4 in listA:
  print('yes, item4 is in the list')
  print('no, item4 is not in the list')
Difficult Dolphin

Python Check si la lista contiene valor

if value in list:
  #do stuff

#Also to check if it doesn't contain
if value not in list:
  #do stuff

Python Cómo consultar en una lista

# app.py

listA = ['Stranger Things', 'S Education', 'Game of Thrones']

if 'Dark' in listA:
    print("Yes, 'S Eductation' found in List : ", listA)
    print("Nope, 'Dark' not found in the list")
Joyous Jellyfish

Python si está en la lista

listttt = ["eee", "yee"]
if "yee" in listttt:

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