“c Definir la función” Código de respuesta

declarar la función en c

#include <stdio.h>

// Create a function
void myFunction() {
        printf("I just got executed!\n");

int main() {
        myFunction(); // call the function
        return 0;
Dark Dotterel

c Definir la función

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAXNUM -12    //defining an integer
#define PI 3.1415     //defining a float
#define END "\n\n\t\tProgram has ended!!\n"   //defining a string
#define ADD(a, b, c) (a + b + c)    //Operation that will add its 3 parameters

int main(){
    //using other definitions to check if the current device is Windows or UNIX
    #ifdef _WIN32   
        printf("\nWindows Operating System Detected\n");
    #elif linux
        printf("\nUNIX Operating System Detected\n");
        printf("\nOperating System could NOT be identified!\n");
    printf("\nUsing pre-defined values and operations: ");
    printf("\n • MAXNUM: %d",MAXNUM);       //using pre-defined integer
    printf("\n • PI: %f",PI);               //using pre-defined float
    printf("\n • ADD(): %.2f",ADD(2,5,99.5));   //using pre-defined function

    printf(END);    //using pre-defined string
    return 0;

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