Red en Arch Linux

# Install
$ sudo pacman -S networkmanager
$ sudo systemctl enable NetworkManager.service
$ sudo systemctl start NetworkManager.service

# nmcli examples

# List nearby Wi-Fi networks:
$ nmcli device wifi list

# Connect to a Wi-Fi network:
$ nmcli device wifi connect SSID_or_BSSID password password

# Connect to a hidden Wi-Fi network:
$ nmcli device wifi connect SSID_or_BSSID password password hidden yes

# Connect to a Wi-Fi on the wlan1 interface:
$ nmcli device wifi connect SSID_or_BSSID password password ifname wlan1 profile_name

# Disconnect an interface:
$ nmcli device disconnect ifname eth0

# Get a list of connections with their names, UUIDs, types and backing devices:
$ nmcli connection show

# Activate a connection (i.e. connect to a network with an existing profile):
$ nmcli connection up name_or_uuid

# Delete a connection:
$ nmcli connection delete name_or_uuid

# See a list of network devices and their state:
$ nmcli device

# Turn off Wi-Fi:
$ nmcli radio wifi off