Dados los tres vectores , y , ¿es posible que las correlaciones entre y , y , y y sean todas negativas? Es decir, ¿es esto posible?
Antti A
Es posible si el tamaño del vector es 3 o mayor. Por ejemplo
Las correlaciones son
Podemos demostrar que para vectores de tamaño 2 esto no es posible:
The formula makes sense: ifa1 is larger than a2 , b1 has to be larger than b1 to make the correlation negative.
Similarly for correlations between (a,c) and (b,c) we get
Clearly, all of these three formulas can not hold in the same time.
Yes, they can.
Suppose you have a multivariate normal distributionX∈R3,X∼N(0,Σ) .
The only restriction on Σ is that it has to be positive semi-definite.
So take the following exampleΣ=⎛⎝⎜1−0.2−0.2−0.21−0.2−0.2−0.21⎞⎠⎟
Its eigenvalues are all positive (1.2, 1.2, 0.6), and you can create vectors with negative correlation.
let's start with a correlation matrix for 3 variables
non-negative definiteness creates constraints for pairwise correlationsp,q,r which can be written as
For example, ifp=q=−1 , the values of r is restricted by 2r≥r2+1 , which forces r=1 . On the other hand if p=q=−12 , r can be within 2±3√4 range.
Answering the interesting follow up question by @amoeba: "what is the lowest possible correlation that all three pairs can simultaneously have?"
Letp=q=r=x<0 , Find the smallest root of 2x3−3x2+1 , which will give you −12 . Perhaps not surprising for some.
A stronger argument can be made if one of the correlations, sayr=−1 . From the same equation −2pq≥p2+q2 , we can deduce that p=−q . Therefore if two correlations are −1 , third one should be 1 .
A simple R function to explore this:
As a function of
starts at 0, becomes nonzero atn = 3
(with typical values around 0.06), then increases to around 0.11 byn = 15
, after which it seems to stabilize:fuente