Llame al código F # desde C #


Estoy jugando con F # y C #, y me gustaría llamar al código F # desde C #.

Logré que funcionara al revés en Visual Studio al tener dos proyectos en la misma solución y agregar una referencia del código C # al proyecto F #. Después de hacer esto, pude llamar al código C # e incluso recorrerlo mientras depuraba.

Lo que estoy tratando de hacer es el código F # de C # en lugar del código C # de F #. Agregué una referencia al proyecto de F # al proyecto de C #, pero no está funcionando como lo hacía antes. Me gustaría saber si esto es posible sin hacerlo manualmente.

A menos que tenga problemas específicos, agregar una referencia a un proyecto de F # desde un C # hoy "simplemente funciona". No hay nada extraordinario aquí, ya que esa es una de las promesas o beneficios fundamentales de la arquitectura .NET (independiente del lenguaje, MSIL, etc.) De hecho, lo contrario sería extraño. ¿Qué más esperas por esta recompensa?
Simon Mourier



A continuación se muestra un ejemplo práctico de cómo llamar a F # desde C #.

Como se encontró, no pude agregar una referencia seleccionando en la pestaña "Agregar referencia ... Proyectos". En su lugar, tuve que hacerlo manualmente, navegando hasta el ensamblado F # en la pestaña "Agregar referencia ... Examinar".

------ MÓDULO F # -----

// First implement a foldl function, with the signature (a->b->a) -> a -> [b] -> a
// Now use your foldl function to implement a map function, with the signature (a->b) -> [a] -> [b]
// Finally use your map function to convert an array of strings to upper case
// Test cases are in TestFoldMapUCase.cs
// Note: F# provides standard implementations of the fold and map operations, but the 
// exercise here is to build them up from primitive elements...

module FoldMapUCase.Zumbro

let AlwaysTwo =

let rec foldl fn seed vals = 
   match vals with
   | head :: tail -> foldl fn (fn seed head) tail
   | _ -> seed

let map fn vals =
   let gn lst x =
      fn( x ) :: lst
   List.rev (foldl gn [] vals)

let ucase vals =
   map String.uppercase vals


// Test cases for FoldMapUCase.fs
// For this example, I have written my NUnit test cases in C#.  This requires constructing some F#
// types in order to invoke the F# functions under test.

using System;
using Microsoft.FSharp.Core;
using Microsoft.FSharp.Collections;
using NUnit.Framework;

namespace FoldMapUCase
    public class TestFoldMapUCase
        public TestFoldMapUCase()

        public void CheckAlwaysTwo()
            // simple example to show how to access F# function from C#
            int n = Zumbro.AlwaysTwo;
            Assert.AreEqual(2, n);

        class Helper<T>
            public static List<T> mkList(params T[] ar)
                List<T> foo = List<T>.Nil;
                for (int n = ar.Length - 1; n >= 0; n--)
                    foo = List<T>.Cons(ar[n], foo);
                return foo;

        public void foldl1()
            int seed = 64;
            List<int> values = Helper<int>.mkList( 4, 2, 4 );
            FastFunc<int, FastFunc<int,int>> fn =
                FuncConvert.ToFastFunc( (Converter<int,int,int>) delegate( int a, int b ) { return a/b; } );

            int result = Zumbro.foldl<int, int>( fn, seed, values);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, result);

        public void foldl0()
            string seed = "hi mom";
            List<string> values = Helper<string>.mkList();
            FastFunc<string, FastFunc<string, string>> fn =
                FuncConvert.ToFastFunc((Converter<string, string, string>)delegate(string a, string b) { throw new Exception("should never be invoked"); });

            string result = Zumbro.foldl<string, string>(fn, seed, values);
            Assert.AreEqual(seed, result);

        public void map()
            FastFunc<int, int> fn =
                FuncConvert.ToFastFunc((Converter<int, int>)delegate(int a) { return a*a; });

            List<int> vals = Helper<int>.mkList(1, 2, 3);
            List<int> res = Zumbro.map<int, int>(fn, vals);

            Assert.AreEqual(res.Length, 3);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, res.Head);
            Assert.AreEqual(4, res.Tail.Head);
            Assert.AreEqual(9, res.Tail.Tail.Head);

        public void ucase()
            List<string> vals = Helper<string>.mkList("arnold", "BOB", "crAIg");
            List<string> exp = Helper<string>.mkList( "ARNOLD", "BOB", "CRAIG" );
            List<string> res = Zumbro.ucase(vals);
            Assert.AreEqual(exp.Length, res.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(exp.Head, res.Head);
            Assert.AreEqual(exp.Tail.Head, res.Tail.Head);
            Assert.AreEqual(exp.Tail.Tail.Head, res.Tail.Tail.Head);

Thank you. "I did have to do it manually, by browsing to the F# assembly in the 'Add Reference ... Browse' tab." is what worked for me.

It should 'just work', though you might have to build the F# project before a project-to-project reference from C# works (I forget).

A common source of issues is namespaces/modules. If your F# code does not start with a namespace declaration, it gets put in a module with the same name as the filename, so that e.g. from C# your type might appear as "Program.Foo" rather than just "Foo" (if Foo is an F# type defined in Program.fs).

Thank you for the information regarding the module names :) .
Yeah I need to blog that one, it causes a lot of confusion.
An additional issue is triggered, when the Fsharp project (generator of the dll reference) is in the same solution with the Csharp (consumer project)
George Kargakis

From this link they seem to have a number of possible solutions, but the one that seemed the simplest was a comment:

F# Code:

type FCallback = delegate of int*int -> int;;
type FCallback =
  delegate of int * int -> int

let f3 (f:FCallback) a b = f.Invoke(a,b);;
val f3 : FCallback -> int -> int -> int

C# Code:

int a = Module1.f3(Module1.f2, 10, 20); // method gets converted to the delegate automatically in C#
Chris Bunch
I get an error on the val line : val f3 : FCallback -> int -> int -> int "Error 1 Unexpected keyword 'val' in definition. Expected incomplete structured construct at or before this point or other token."
Tom Stickel

// Test.fs :

module meGlobal

type meList() = 
    member this.quicksort = function
        | [] -> []  //  if list is empty return list
        | first::rest -> 
            let smaller,larger = List.partition((>=) first) rest
        List.concat[this.quicksort smaller; [first]; this.quicksort larger]

// Test.cs :

List<int> A = new List<int> { 13, 23, 7, 2 };
meGlobal.meList S = new meGlobal.meList();

var cquicksort = Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpFunc<FSharpList<IComparable>,     FSharpList<IComparable>>.ToConverter(S.quicksort);

FSharpList<IComparable> FI = ListModule.OfSeq(A.Cast<IComparable>());
var R = cquicksort(FI);