Gradiente de campo de velocidad
def Lambda2(macroscopic_velocities, negative_cutoff = 0):
"""Use vortex detection algorithm "Lambda2" to get which nodes in your velocity field are inside a vortex.
# First define the gradients of the velocity field: Δu
_gradients = np.gradient(macroscopic_velocities,
axis = (0, 1, 2))
gradients = np.einsum('dD...-> ...dD',
# Get the strain rate tensor: S = (Δu + Δuᵀ)/2
transposed_gradients = np.einsum('...dD -> ...Dd',
strain_rate = (gradients + transposed_gradients)/2
# Get the vorticity tensor: Ω = (Δu - Δuᵀ)/2
vorticity = (gradients - transposed_gradients)/2
# Get the eigenvalues (λ) of S² + Ω². Use np.eigh to get ordered eigenvalues.
S2_O2 = strain_rate**2 + vorticity**2
eigen_values, errors = np.linalg.eigh(S2_O2)
# Select the locations where λ₂ < the negative cutoff.
# Negative cutoff must be 0 or less.
in_vortex = (eigen_values < negative_cutoff)[..., 1]
return in_vortex
Bart D