cómo hacer insensible a la caja del campo del modelo django

from django.db.models import CharField

from django_case_insensitive_field import CaseInsensitiveFieldMixin

class CaseInsensitiveCharField(CaseInsensitiveFieldMixin, CharField):
    Makes django CharField case insensitive \n
    Extends both the `CaseInsensitiveMixin` and  CharField \n
    Then you can import 

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

        super(CaseInsensitiveMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) 

from .fields import CaseInsensitiveCharField

class UserModel(models.Model):

    username = CaseInsensitiveCharField(max_length=16, unique=True)

user1 = UserModel(username='user1')

user1.save()  # will go through

user2 = UserModel(username='User1') 

user2.save() # will not go through
Blue Batfish