“Árbol binario en Python” Código de respuesta

Hacer un árbol binario en Python

Implementation of Binary Tree;

class Node:

    init() : constructor
    def __init__(self,data = None):
        self.data = data
        self.left = None
        self.right = None

    getNode() : get node data;
    def getData(self):
        return self.data

    setData() : set node data;
    def setData(self,data):
        self.data = data

class Tree:

    init() : constructor;
    def __init__(self):
        self.root = None

    len() : len of the tree;
    def __len__(self):
        return self.height()

    getRoot() : get root node;
    def getRoot(self):
        return self.root

    add() : add nodes;
    def add(self,data):
        if(self.root == None):
            self.root = Node(data)

    _add() : add method init;
    def _add(self,root,data):
        if(data < root.data):            # Left Sub Tree
            if(root.left is not None):
                root.left = Node(data)
        else:                           # Right Sub Tree
            if(root.right is not None):
                root.right = Node(data)

    show() : show tree nodes;
    def show(self,key=None):       # key: pre,in,post-order;
        if(self.root is not None):
            if(key == "preorder"):
            elif(key == "inorder"):
            elif(key == "postorder"):
            return None

    _show() : show method init;
    def _show(self,root):
        if(root is not None):
            print(root.data,end=", ")          # print;
            self._show(root.left)              # go left;
            self._show(root.right)             # go right;

    preorder() : pre-order tree traversal;
    def preorder(self,root=None):
        if(root is not None):
            print(root.data,end=", ")      # print;
            self.preorder(root.left)       # go left;
            self.preorder(root.right)      # go right;

    inorder() : in-order tree traversal;
    def inorder(self,root=None):
        if(root is not None):
            self.inorder(root.left)            # go left;
            print(root.data,end=", ")          # print;
            self.inorder(root.right)           # go right;

    postporder() : post-order tree traversal;
    def postorder(self,root=None):
        if(root is not None):
            print(root.data,end=", ")            # print;

    find() : find nodes inside tree;
    def find(self, data):
        if self.root is not None:
            return self._find(self.root,data)
            return None

    _find() : find method init;
    def _find(self,root,data):
        if(root is not None):
            if data == root.data:
                return f"Node {data}: Found"
            elif (data < root.data):
                return self._find(root.left,data)
            elif (data > root.data):
                return self._find(root.right,data)
            return f"Node {data}: Not Found"
    delete() : delete a not from tree;
    def delete(self,data):

    height() : height of a tree
    def height(self):
        if(self.root is None):
            return 0
            return self._height(self.root)

    _height() : height method init;
    def _height(self,root):
        if(root == None):
            return 0
            lenOne = self._height(root.left)
            lenTwo = self._height(root.right)
            return 1+max(lenOne,lenTwo)
Frail Fly

Árbol binario vs árbol de búsqueda binario

Binary tree - each node can have at most 2 nodes, Binary Search tree - is a binary tree and put smaller values on the left and larger values on the right of the root.
American Virginia Opossum

Árbol binario en Python

Binary Tree implementation at this link:
Aggressive Albatross

Árbol de búsqueda binario en Python

Binary Search Tree at this link:
Aggressive Albatross

Implementación de árbol de búsqueda binaria en Python

		    /    \
		   /      \
		  /	   \		  
		 4         20
		/\	   /\	
	       /  \       /  \
	      /    \     /    \
	     1      9   18    23

# Binary Search Tree implementation in Python

class BinaryTreeNode():
    def __init__(self, data):
        self.data = data
        self.left = None
        self.right = None
    def add_child(self, data):
        if data == self.data: # check if the of new data exist already in the tree, if yes don't add
        if data < self.data:
            # Add to left subtree
            if self.left:
                self.left.add_child(data) # Recursively call the add_child method to add the data to an appropriate place
                self.left = BinaryTreeNode(data)
            # Add to right subtree
            if self.right:
                self.right.add_child(data) # Recursively call the add_child method to add the data to an appropriate place
                self.right = BinaryTreeNode(data)
    # Visit Left subtree, then Root node and finaly Right subtree
    def in_order_traversal(self):  # Left - Root - Right
        elements = []
        # Getting all elements of the Left Subtree    
        if self.left:
            elements += self.left.in_order_traversal() # Recursively get all the elements of the left subtree and add them into the list
        elements.append(self.data) # Adding the root node to the list
        # Getting all elements of the Right Subtree    
        if self.right:
            elements += self.right.in_order_traversal() # Recursively get all the elements of the right subtree and add them into the list
        return elements
    # Get all elements from the Root node then the left subtree and finanally the Right subtree 
    def pre_order_traversal(self): # Root - Left - Right
        elements = []
        if self.left:
            elements += self.left.pre_order_traversal()  # Recursively get all the elements of the left subtree and add them into the list
        if self.right:
            elements += self.right.pre_order_traversal()  # Recursively get all the elements of the right subtree and add them into the list

        return elements # get the Root node element
    # Get all elements from the Right subtree then the left subtree and finally the Root node    
    def post_order_traversal(self):
        elements = []
        if self.left:
            elements += self.left.post_order_traversal()  # Recursively get all the elements of the left subtree and add them into the list
        if self.right:
            elements += self.right.post_order_traversal()  # Recursively get all the elements of the right subtree and add them into the list
        elements.append(self.data) # Get the Root node element
        return elements
    def search_element(self, elem): # complexity of log n O(log n)
        if self.data == elem:
            return True
        elif elem < self.data:
            # This means if present, element would be on the left 
            if self.left:
               return self.left.search_element(elem)  
                return False
            # This means if present, element would be on the right
            if self.right:
                return self.right.search_element(elem)  
                return False
    def sum_of_all_elements_in_tree(self):
        return sum(self.in_order_traversal())
    def max_element_in_tree(self):
        return max(self.in_order_traversal())    
    def min_element_in_tree(self):
        return min(self.in_order_traversal())    
# Tree Builder helper method
def build_binary_tree(lst_elem: list):
    if len(lst_elem) >1:
        root_node = BinaryTreeNode(lst_elem[0])
        for i in lst_elem[1:]:
        return root_node
        return print("Insufficient number of elements")

if __name__ == '__main__':
   mt = build_binary_tree([17, -5, 4, 1, 20, 9, -1, 23, 18, 0, 34])
   print("In Order Traversal", mt.in_order_traversal())
   print("Post Order Traversal", mt.post_order_traversal())
   print("Pre Order Traversal", mt.pre_order_traversal())
   print("Sum of all elemnts in tree", mt.sum_of_all_elements_in_tree())
   print("Max element in tree is", mt.max_element_in_tree())
   print("Min element in tree is", mt.min_element_in_tree())

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