“expresión regular” Código de respuesta

Usar regex en JavaScript

//Adding '/' around regex
var regex = /\s/g;
//or using RegExp
var regex = new RegExp("\s", "g");


preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z' ]+)$/","Given_Name");


/[A-Z]/  : 'must contain one uppercase'

/([a-z])/  : 'must contain one lowercase'

/(\d)/  : 'must contain one number'

/(\W)/  : 'must contain one special character'
Didi Abel

Expresión regular

Enchanting Echidna

expresión regular

Characters \, ., \cX, \d, \D, \f, \n, \r, \s, \S, \t, \v, \w, \W, \0, \xhh, \uhhhh, \uhhhhh, [\b]	
Assertions 	^, $, x(?=y), x(?!y), (?<=y)x, (?<!y)x, \b, \B
Groups 		(x), (?:x), (?<Name>x), x|y, [xyz], [^xyz], \Number	
Quantifiers *, +, ?, x{n}, x{n,}, x{n,m}
Unicode \p{UnicodeProperty}, \P{UnicodeProperty}
let re = /findme/
let defaults = new RegExp('compiled'); 
defaults = { dotAll: false, flags: "", global: false, ignoreCase: false, falselastIndex: 0, multiline: false, source: "abc", sticky: false, unicode: false}
Pink Person

Expresión regular

Hello World as a regular expression.
Replaces everything with "Hello World".
For use with vi, sed, etc.

Search String :  ^.*$
Replace String: 'Hello World'
Doubtful Deer

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