Cómo crear una mesa con sangrías de JSON anidadas en Angularjs

angular.module('app').controller('RootCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope) {
    // assigning the data to $scope to make it available in the view
    $scope.tableData = {Example Data from top};

//Your tree component could be something on this lines:

angular.module('app').component('treeComponent', {
    controller: 'TreeCtrl',
    bindings: {
        tree: '<',
    templateUrl: 'tree-view.html'

//your root template should load the first instance of the component:

   <tree-component tree="tableData"></tree-component>

//then the component template should take care of the the recursion when required; tree-view.html:

<table class="record-table">
              <strong>{{ $ctrl.tableData.name }}</strong>
        <tr ng-repeat="node in $ctrl.tableData.children">
            <td ng-if="node.children.length > 0">
               <tree-component tree="node.children"></tree-component>

//creating indentation then becomes easy using basic css:

.record-table .record-table {
   padding-left: 20px