“Cómo crear una variable en JavaScript” Código de respuesta

Variables de JavaScript

// here are the ways to define variables
var x = "hi"; // for global variables
let x = "hi"; // for block-scoped variables
const x = "hi"; // for block-scoped variables which can not be reassigned
The Cat Coder

Variable JavaScript

// This is best way to make a variable
// Varibales Store Data
var variable1 = 56;
var variable2 = true;

var variable3 = "Hello World";
Technical Gamer

var en js

I love you
Comfortable Cottonmouth

variables javascript

var example = "hello";
document.write(example);// it will say hello when it runs
Shiba Doge

Cómo asignar variables en JavaScript

// data from json: resp = {"home": 1, "landmark": 2}
// Method 1: 
// use ` for add variable
url = `workspace/detail/${resp.home}`;
console.log(url) -> // workspace/detail/1
// Method 2: 
// use ' and + for concentrace variable
url = 'workspace/detail/' + resp.home;
console.log(url) -> // workspace/detail/1
Zidane (Vi Ly - VietNam)

Cómo crear una variable en JavaScript

// you an pass in strings or a number 

var exampleVariable = 'Example string' // this is a normal string 
var anotherExample = 839; 
Calm Copperhead

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