algo retrasado, pero aquí está mi propia respuesta a mi pregunta. Básicamente es el mismo enfoque que el habitual en Unix: encuentre todos los enlaces, luego actúe sobre los rotos; No es tan conciso. La secuencia de comandos a continuación elimina enlaces simbólicos rotos, después de descargar alguna información sobre ellos.
@echo off
rem Grab the list of directories to scan, before we "pushd to dir containing this script",
rem so that we can have the default be "dir from which we ran this script".
if x%CD%==x (echo Command Extensions must be enabled. && goto :eof)
pushd %~dp0
if x%DIRS_TO_CHECK%==x (
rem Find all the files which are both links (/al) and directories (/ad).
rem (We use "delims=" in case any paths have a space; space is a delim by default.)
rem If not, delete it (and assume something else will fix it later :-).
echo Deleting broken symlinks ...
for %%D in (%ORIGINAL_DIR%\%DIRS_TO_CHECK%) do (
echo Checking %%D
pushd %%D
if errorlevel 1 (
echo Cannot find "%%D"
goto :Next_Dir
rem Clean up broken directory links.
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%L in (`dir /adl /b`) do (
rem Check the directory link works.
rem Redirecting to nul just to hide "The system cannot find the file specified." message.
pushd "%%L" >nul 2>&1
if errorlevel 1 (
echo Deleting broken directory symlink "%%L".
rem First dump out some info on the link, before we delete it.
rem I'd rather a more human-readable form, but don't know how to get that.
fsutil reparsepoint query "%%L"
rmdir "%%L"
) else (
rem Clean up broken file (non-directory) links.
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%L in (`dir /a-dl /b`) do (
rem Check the file link works.
rem Redirecting to nul just to hide "The system cannot find the file specified." message.
copy "%%L" nul >nul 2>&1
if errorlevel 1 (
echo Deleting broken file symlink "%%L".
rem First dump out some info on the link, before we delete it.
rem I'd rather a more human-readable form, but don't know how to get that.
fsutil reparsepoint query "%%L"
rm "%%L"
) else (
rem Putting a label on the line immediately before a ')' causes a batch file parse error, hence this comment.
echo Deleting broken symlinks ... done.
También puede probar una utilidad de código abierto llamada SageLinks , que muestra y verifica las uniones de Windows NTFS, enlaces simbólicos e incluso accesos directos.
Usando cygwin64 (find, xargs, sh, ls) (probado en win7 para enlaces duros ntfs muertos)
Nota: test -e no funciona como se esperaba con el enlace rígido ntfs muerto.