¿Cómo configuro LDAP en Centos 6 para la autenticación de usuarios de la manera más segura y correcta?


Durante los últimos días he estado usando muchas palabras F, mientras navegaba por Internet para obtener una buena documentación sobre cómo configurar un servidor LDAP. Hasta ahora no he encontrado ninguno, pero muchos menos que buenos, pero mejores que malos. Así que tuve que hacerlo de la manera habitual de Linux, leer, probar, gritar, leer, probar y gritar.

Mis objetivos para el servidor LDAP son:

  • Instale LDAP en una instalación mínima de Centos 6, tanto para el servidor como para los clientes.
  • Instale de la manera que pretendían los desarrolladores de OpenLDAP.
  • Instale LDAP de forma segura con LDAPS, iptables, SELinux, etc. habilitados.
  • Utilice SSSD en los clientes para las conexiones de "autenticación" al servidor LDAP.

Este es el tipo de pregunta que generalmente me respondo, pero agradecería sugerencias sobre cómo hacer la instalación aún mejor.

FreeIPA hace algo más que solo LDAP (y el servidor LDAP es 389 DS en lugar de OpenLDAP), pero ayuda con una gran parte de la configuración, incluido SSSD en los clientes, y viene de serie con RHEL / CentOS 6.
Sam Hartsfield



Aquí hay un par de scripts de shell que instalarán y configurarán openldap en un servidor e instalarán y configurarán sssd para la autenticación del usuario contra el servidor LDAP.

Uno que instala el servidor LDAP con grupos, usuarios, etc.

# Install LDAP-server

# Enable SELinux for higher security.
setenforce 1
setsebool -P domain_kernel_load_modules 1

# Communication with the LDAP-server needs to be done with domain name, and not
# the ip. This ensures the dns-name is configured.
cat >> /etc/hosts << EOF ldap.syco.net

# Install all required packages.
yum -y install openldap-servers openldap-clients

# Create backend database.
cp /usr/share/doc/openldap-servers-2.4.19/DB_CONFIG.example /var/lib/ldap/DB_CONFIG
chown -R ldap:ldap /var/lib/ldap

# Set password for cn=admin,cn=config (it's secret)
cat >> /etc/openldap/slapd.d/cn\=config/olcDatabase\=\{0\}config.ldif << EOF
olcRootPW: {SSHA}OjXYLr1oZ/LrHHTmjnPWYi1GjbgcYxSb

# Autostart slapd after reboot.
chkconfig slapd on

# Start ldap server
service slapd start

# Wait for slapd to start.
sleep 1

# General configuration of the server.

# Create folder to store log files in
mkdir /var/log/slapd
chmod 755 /var/log/slapd/
chown ldap:ldap /var/log/slapd/

# Redirect all log files through rsyslog.
sed -i "/local4.*/d" /etc/rsyslog.conf
cat >> /etc/rsyslog.conf << EOF
local4.*                        /var/log/slapd/slapd.log
service rsyslog restart

# Do the configurations.
ldapadd -H ldap://ldap.syco.net -x -D "cn=admin,cn=config" -w secret << EOF

# Setup logfile (not working now, propably needing debug level settings.)
dn: cn=config
replace: olcLogLevel
olcLogLevel: config stats shell
replace: olcIdleTimeout
olcIdleTimeout: 30

# Set access for the monitor db.
dn: olcDatabase={2}monitor,cn=config
changetype: modify
replace: olcAccess
olcAccess: {0}to * by dn.base="cn=Manager,dc=syco,dc=net" read  by * none

# Set password for cn=admin,cn=config
dn: olcDatabase={0}config,cn=config
changetype: modify
replace: olcRootPW
olcRootPW: {SSHA}OjXYLr1oZ/LrHHTmjnPWYi1GjbgcYxSb

# Change LDAP-domain, password and access rights.
dn: olcDatabase={1}bdb,cn=config
changetype: modify
replace: olcSuffix
olcSuffix: dc=syco,dc=net
replace: olcRootDN
olcRootDN: cn=Manager,dc=syco,dc=net
replace: olcRootPW
olcRootPW: {SSHA}OjXYLr1oZ/LrHHTmjnPWYi1GjbgcYxSb
replace: olcAccess
olcAccess: {0}to attrs=employeeType by dn="cn=sssd,dc=syco,dc=net" read by self read by * none
olcAccess: {1}to attrs=userPassword,shadowLastChange by self write by anonymous auth by * none
olcAccess: {2}to dn.base="" by * none
olcAccess: {3}to * by dn="cn=admin,cn=config" write by dn="cn=sssd,dc=syco,dc=net" read by self write by * none

# Configure sudo in ldap
# Users that should have sudo rights, are configured in
# in the ldap-db. The ldap sudo schema are not configured
# by default, and are here created.
# http://eatingsecurity.blogspot.com/2008/10/openldap-continued.html
# http://www.sudo.ws/sudo/man/1.8.2/sudoers.ldap.man.html

# Copy the sudo Schema into the LDAP schema repository
/bin/cp -f /usr/share/doc/sudo-1.7.2p2/schema.OpenLDAP /etc/openldap/schema/sudo.schema
restorecon /etc/openldap/schema/sudo.schema

# Create a conversion file for schema
mkdir ~/sudoWork
echo "include /etc/openldap/schema/sudo.schema" > ~/sudoWork/sudoSchema.conf

# Convert the "Schema" to "LDIF".
slapcat -f ~/sudoWork/sudoSchema.conf -F /tmp/ -n0 -s "cn={0}sudo,cn=schema,cn=config" > ~/sudoWork/sudo.ldif

# Remove invalid data.
sed -i "s/{0}sudo/sudo/g" ~/sudoWork/sudo.ldif

# Remove last 8 (invalid) lines.
head -n-8 ~/sudoWork/sudo.ldif > ~/sudoWork/sudo2.ldif

# Load the schema into the LDAP server
ldapadd -H ldap:/// -x -D "cn=admin,cn=config" -w secret -f ~/sudoWork/sudo2.ldif

# Add index to sudoers db
ldapadd -H ldap:/// -x -D "cn=admin,cn=config" -w secret << EOF
dn: olcDatabase={1}bdb,cn=config
changetype: modify
add: olcDbIndex
olcDbIndex: sudoUser    eq

# Create modules area
ldapadd -H ldap:/// -x -D "cn=admin,cn=config" -w secret << EOF
dn: cn=module{0},cn=config
objectClass: olcModuleList
cn: module{0}
olcModulePath: /usr/lib64/openldap/

# Add auditlog overlay.
# http://www.manpagez.com/man/5/slapo-auditlog/
ldapadd -H ldap:/// -x -D "cn=admin,cn=config" -w secret << EOF
dn: cn=module{0},cn=config
add: olcModuleLoad
olcModuleLoad: auditlog.la

dn: olcOverlay=auditlog,olcDatabase={1}bdb,cn=config
changetype: add
objectClass: olcOverlayConfig
objectClass: olcAuditLogConfig
olcOverlay: auditlog
olcAuditlogFile: /var/log/slapd/auditlog.log

# Add accesslog overlay.
# http://www.manpagez.com/man/5/slapo-accesslog/
# TODO: Didn't get it working.
# ldapadd -H ldap:/// -x -D "cn=admin,cn=config" -w secret << EOF
# dn: cn=module,cn=config
# objectClass: olcModuleList
# cn: module
# olcModulePath: /usr/lib64/openldap/
# olcModuleLoad: access.la
# dn: olcOverlay=accesslog,olcDatabase={1}bdb,cn=config
# changetype: add
# olcOverlay: accesslog
# objectClass: olcOverlayConfig
# objectClass: olcAccessLogConfig
# logdb: cn=auditlog
# logops: writes reads
# # read log every 5 days and purge entries
# # when older than 30 days
# logpurge 180+00:00 5+00:00
# # optional - saves the previous contents of
# # person objectclass before performing a write operation
# logold: (objectclass=person)

# Add pwdpolicy overlay
# http://www.zytrax.com/books/ldap/ch6/ppolicy.html
# http://www.openldap.org/software/man.cgi?query=slapo-ppolicy&sektion=5&apropos=0&manpath=OpenLDAP+2.3-Release
# http://www.symas.com/blog/?page_id=66

ldapadd -H ldap:/// -x -D "cn=admin,cn=config" -w secret << EOF
dn: cn=module{0},cn=config
add: olcModuleLoad
olcModuleLoad: ppolicy.la

dn: olcOverlay=ppolicy,olcDatabase={1}bdb,cn=config
olcOverlay: ppolicy
objectClass: olcOverlayConfig
objectClass: olcPPolicyConfig
olcPPolicyHashCleartext: TRUE
olcPPolicyUseLockout: FALSE
olcPPolicyDefault: cn=default,ou=pwpolicies,dc=syco,dc=net

# Add users, groups, sudoers. Ie. the dc=syco,dc=net database.
ldapadd  -H ldap:/// -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=syco,dc=net" -w secret  -f /opt/syco/doc/ldap/manager.ldif

# Create certificates

# Create CA
echo "00" > /etc/openldap/cacerts/ca.srl
openssl req -new -x509 -sha512 -nodes -days 3650 -newkey rsa:4096\
    -out /etc/openldap/cacerts/ca.crt \
    -keyout /etc/openldap/cacerts/ca.key \
    -subj '/O=syco/OU=System Console Project/CN=systemconsole.github.com'

# Creating server cert
openssl req -new -sha512 -nodes -days 1095 -newkey rsa:4096 \
    -keyout /etc/openldap/cacerts/slapd.key \
    -out /etc/openldap/cacerts/slapd.csr \
    -subj '/O=syco/OU=System Console Project/CN=ldap.syco.net'
openssl x509 -req -sha512 -days 1095 \
    -in /etc/openldap/cacerts/slapd.csr \
    -out /etc/openldap/cacerts/slapd.crt \
    -CA /etc/openldap/cacerts/ca.crt \
    -CAkey /etc/openldap/cacerts/ca.key

# Customer create a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) file for client cert
openssl req -new -sha512 -nodes -days 1095 -newkey rsa:4096 \
    -keyout /etc/openldap/cacerts/client.key \
    -out /etc/openldap/cacerts/client.csr \
    -subj '/O=syco/OU=System Console Project/CN=client.syco.net'

# Create a signed client crt.
cat > /etc/openldap/cacerts/sign.conf << EOF
[ v3_req ]
basicConstraints = critical,CA:FALSE
keyUsage = critical,digitalSignature
subjectKeyIdentifier = hash

openssl x509 -req -days 1095 \
    -sha512 \
    -extensions v3_req \
    -extfile /etc/openldap/cacerts/sign.conf \
    -CA /etc/openldap/cacerts/ca.crt \
    -CAkey /etc/openldap/cacerts/ca.key \
    -in /etc/openldap/cacerts/client.csr \
    -out /etc/openldap/cacerts/client.crt

# One file with both crt and key. Easier to manage the cert on client side.
cat /etc/openldap/cacerts/client.crt /etc/openldap/cacerts/client.key > \

# Create hash and set permissions of cert
/usr/sbin/cacertdir_rehash /etc/openldap/cacerts
chown -Rf root:ldap /etc/openldap/cacerts
chmod -Rf 750 /etc/openldap/cacerts
restorecon -R /etc/openldap/cacerts

# View cert info
# openssl x509 -text -in /etc/openldap/cacerts/ca.crt
# openssl x509 -text -in /etc/openldap/cacerts/slapd.crt
# openssl x509 -text -in /etc/openldap/cacerts/client.pem
# openssl req -noout -text -in /etc/openldap/cacerts/client.csr

# Configure ssl
# Configure slapd to only be accessible over ssl,
# with client certificate.
# http://www.openldap.org/pub/ksoper/OpenLDAP_TLS.html#4.0
# http://www.openldap.org/faq/data/cache/185.html
ldapadd -H ldap:/// -x -D "cn=admin,cn=config" -w secret << EOF
dn: cn=config
replace: olcTLSCertificateKeyFile
olcTLSCertificateKeyFile: /etc/openldap/cacerts/slapd.key
replace: olcTLSCertificateFile
olcTLSCertificateFile: /etc/openldap/cacerts/slapd.crt
replace: olcTLSCACertificateFile
olcTLSCACertificateFile: /etc/openldap/cacerts/ca.crt
replace: olcTLSCipherSuite
olcTLSCipherSuite: HIGH:MEDIUM:-SSLv2
replace: olcTLSVerifyClient
olcTLSVerifyClient: demand

# Enable LDAPS and dispable LDAP
sed -i 's/[#]*SLAPD_LDAPS=.*/SLAPD_LDAPS=yes/g' /etc/sysconfig/ldap
sed -i 's/[#]*SLAPD_LDAP=.*/SLAPD_LDAP=no/g' /etc/sysconfig/ldap
service slapd restart

# Configure the client cert to be used by ldapsearch for user root.
sed -i '/^TLS_CERT.*\|^TLS_KEY.*/d' /root/ldaprc
cat >> /root/ldaprc  << EOF
TLS_CERT /etc/openldap/cacerts/client.pem
TLS_KEY /etc/openldap/cacerts/client.pem

# Require higher security from clients.
ldapadd -H ldaps://ldap.syco.net -x -D "cn=admin,cn=config" -w secret << EOF
dn: cn=config
replace: olcLocalSSF
olcLocalSSF: 128
replace: olcSaslSecProps
olcSaslSecProps: noanonymous,noplain

dn: cn=config
replace: olcSecurity
olcSecurity: ssf=128
olcSecurity: simple_bind=128
olcSecurity: tls=128

# Open firewall
# Let clients connect to the server through the firewall.
# This is done after everything else is done, so we are sure
# that the server is secure before letting somebody in.
# TODO: Add destination ip
iptables -I INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp -s --dport 636 -j ACCEPT

Y uno que instala sssd en el cliente y se conecta al servidor LDAP.

# Install LDAP-client
# This part should be executed on both LDAP-Server and
# on all clients that should authenticate against the
# LDAP-server
# This script is based on information from at least the following links.
#   http://www.server-world.info/en/note?os=CentOS_6&p=ldap&f=2
#   http://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora/15/html/Deployment_Guide/chap-SSSD_User_Guide-Introduction.html

# Uninstall sssd
# Note: Only needed if sssd has been setup before.
#       might need --skip-broken when installing sssd.
#yum -y remove openldap-clients sssd
#rm -rf /var/lib/sss/

# Install relevant packages
# Install packages
yum -y install openldap-clients

# Pick one package from the Continuous Release
# Version 1.5.1 of sssd.
yum -y install sssd --skip-broken
yum -y install centos-release-cr
yum -y update sssd
yum -y remove centos-release-cr

# Get certificate from ldap server
# This is not needed to be done on the server.
if [ ! -f /etc/openldap/cacerts/client.pem ];
    scp [email protected]:/etc/openldap/cacerts/client.pem /etc/openldap/cacerts/client.pem

if [ ! -f /etc/openldap/cacerts/ca.crt ];
    scp [email protected]:/etc/openldap/cacerts/ca.crt /etc/openldap/cacerts/ca.crt

/usr/sbin/cacertdir_rehash /etc/openldap/cacerts
chown -Rf root:ldap /etc/openldap/cacerts
chmod -Rf 750 /etc/openldap/cacerts
restorecon -R /etc/openldap/cacerts

# Configure client authenticate against ldap.
# Setup iptables before configuring sssd, so it can connect to the server.
iptables -I OUTPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp -d --dport 636 -j ACCEPT

# Communication with the LDAP-server needs to be done with domain name, and not
# the ip. This ensures the dns-name is configured.
sed -i '/^*/d' /etc/hosts
cat >> /etc/hosts << EOF ldap.syco.net

# Configure all relevant /etc files for sssd, ldap etc.
authconfig \
    --enablesssd --enablesssdauth --enablecachecreds \
    --enableldap --enableldaptls --enableldapauth \
    --ldapserver=ldaps://ldap.syco.net --ldapbasedn=dc=syco,dc=net \
    --disablenis --disablekrb5 \
    --enableshadow --enablemkhomedir --enablelocauthorize \
    --passalgo=sha512 \

# Configure the client cert to be used by ldapsearch for user root.
sed -i '/^TLS_CERT.*\|^TLS_KEY.*/d' /root/ldaprc
cat >> /root/ldaprc  << EOF
TLS_CERT /etc/openldap/cacerts/client.pem
TLS_KEY /etc/openldap/cacerts/client.pem

# Configure sssd

# If the authentication provider is offline, specifies for how long to allow
# cached log-ins (in days). This value is measured from the last successful
# online log-in. If not specified, defaults to 0 (no limit).
sed -i '/\[pam\]/a offline_credentials_expiration=5' /etc/sssd/sssd.conf

cat >> /etc/sssd/sssd.conf << EOF
# Enumeration means that the entire set of available users and groups on the
# remote source is cached on the local machine. When enumeration is disabled,
# users and groups are only cached as they are requested.

# Configure client certificate auth.
ldap_tls_cert = /etc/openldap/cacerts/client.pem
ldap_tls_key = /etc/openldap/cacerts/client.pem
ldap_tls_reqcert = demand

# Only users with this employeeType are allowed to login to this computer.
access_provider = ldap
ldap_access_filter = (employeeType=Sysop)

# Login to ldap with a specified user.
ldap_default_bind_dn = cn=sssd,dc=syco,dc=net
ldap_default_authtok_type = password
ldap_default_authtok = secret

# Restart sssd
service sssd restart

# Start sssd after reboot.
chkconfig sssd on

# Configure the client to use sudo
sed -i '/^sudoers.*/d' /etc/nsswitch.conf
cat >> /etc/nsswitch.conf << EOF
sudoers: ldap files

sed -i '/^sudoers_base.*\|^binddn.*\|^bindpw.*\|^ssl on.*\|^tls_cert.*\|^tls_key.*\|sudoers_debug.*/d' /etc/ldap.conf
cat >> /etc/ldap.conf << EOF
# Configure sudo ldap.
uri ldaps://ldap.syco.net
base dc=syco,dc=net
sudoers_base ou=SUDOers,dc=syco,dc=net
binddn cn=sssd,dc=syco,dc=net
bindpw secret
ssl on
tls_cacertdir /etc/openldap/cacerts
tls_cert /etc/openldap/cacerts/client.pem
tls_key /etc/openldap/cacerts/client.pem
#sudoers_debug 5

También se proporcionan archivos LDIF que deben colocarse en la misma carpeta que los scripts anteriores.

# Filename: manager.ldif
dn: dc=syco,dc=net
objectClass: top
objectclass: dcObject
objectclass: organization
o: System Console Project
dc: syco
description: Tree root

# Used by sssd to ask general queries.
dn: cn=sssd,dc=syco,dc=net
objectClass: simpleSecurityObject
objectClass: organizationalRole
cn: sssd
description: Account for sssd.
userPassword: {SSHA}OjXYLr1oZ/LrHHTmjnPWYi1GjbgcYxSb

# Add pwdpolicy overlay
# Need to be done before adding new users.
dn: ou=pwpolicies,dc=syco,dc=net
objectClass: organizationalUnit
objectClass: top
ou: policies

dn: cn=default,ou=pwpolicies,dc=syco,dc=net
cn: default
#objectClass: pwdPolicyChecker
objectClass: pwdPolicy
objectClass: person
objectClass: top
pwdAllowUserChange: TRUE
#pwdCheckModule: crackcheck.so
#pwdCheckQuality: 2
pwdExpireWarning: 604800
pwdFailureCountInterval: 30
pwdGraceAuthNLimit: 0
pwdInHistory: 10
pwdLockout: TRUE
pwdLockoutDuration: 3600
pwdMaxAge: 7776000
pwdMaxFailure: 5
pwdMinAge: 3600
pwdMinLength: 12
pwdMustChange: FALSE
pwdSafeModify: FALSE
sn: dummy value

dn: ou=group,dc=syco,dc=net
objectClass: top
objectclass: organizationalunit
ou: group

dn: cn=sycousers,ou=group,dc=syco,dc=net
cn: sycousers
objectClass: posixGroup
gidNumber: 2000
memberUid: user1
memberUid: user2
memberUid: user3

dn: cn=sysop,ou=group,dc=syco,dc=net
cn: sysop
objectClass: posixGroup
gidNumber: 2001
memberUid: user1
memberUid: user2

dn: cn=management,ou=group,dc=syco,dc=net
cn: management
objectClass: posixGroup
gidNumber: 2002
memberUid: user1

dn: ou=people,dc=syco,dc=net
objectClass: top
objectclass: organizationalunit
ou: people

dn: uid=user1,ou=people,dc=syco,dc=net
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: shadowAccount
uid: user1
employeeType: Sysop
givenName: User1
surname: Syco
displayName: Syco User1
commonName: Syco User1
gecos: Syco User1
initials: SU
title: System Administrator (fratsecret)
userPassword: {CRYPT}frzelFSD.VhkI
loginShell: /bin/bash
uidNumber: 2001
gidNumber: 2000
homeDirectory: /home/user1
shadowExpire: -1
shadowFlag: 0
shadowWarning: 7
shadowMin: 8
shadowMax: 999999
shadowLastChange: 10877
mail: [email protected]
postalCode: 666666
mobile: +46 (0)73 xx xx xx xx
homePhone: +46 (0)8 xx xx xx xx

dn: uid=user2,ou=people,dc=syco,dc=net
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: shadowAccount
uid: user2
employeeType: Sysop
givenName: User2
surname: Syco
displayName: Syco User2
commonName: Syco User2
gecos: Syco User2
initials: SU
title: System Administrator
userPassword: {CRYPT}frzelFSD.VhkI
loginShell: /bin/bash
uidNumber: 2002
gidNumber: 2000
homeDirectory: /home/user2
shadowExpire: -1
shadowFlag: 0
shadowWarning: 7
shadowMin: 8
shadowMax: 999999
shadowLastChange: 10877
mail: [email protected]
postalCode: 666666
mobile: +46 (0)73 xx xx xx xx
homePhone: +46 (0)8 xx xx xx xx

dn: uid=user3,ou=people,dc=syco,dc=net
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: shadowAccount
uid: user3
employeeType: Developer
givenName: User3
surname: Syco
displayName: Syco User3
commonName: Syco User3
gecos: Syco User3
initials: SU
title: System Administrator
userPassword: {CRYPT}frzelFSD.VhkI
loginShell: /bin/bash
uidNumber: 2003
gidNumber: 2000
homeDirectory: /home/user3
shadowExpire: -1
shadowFlag: 0
shadowWarning: 7
shadowMin: 8
shadowMax: 999999
shadowLastChange: 10877
mail: [email protected]
postalCode: 666666
mobile: +46 (0)73 xx xx xx xx
homePhone: +46 (0)8 xx xx xx xx

dn: ou=SUDOers,dc=syco,dc=net
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: SUDOers

dn: cn=defaults,ou=SUDOers,dc=syco,dc=net
objectClass: top
objectClass: sudoRole
cn: defaults
description: Default sudoOptions go here
sudoOption: requiretty
sudoOption: always_set_home
sudoOption: env_reset
sudoOption: secure_path=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin

dn: cn=root,ou=SUDOers,dc=syco,dc=net
objectClass: top
objectClass: sudoRole
cn: root
sudoUser: root
sudoHost: ALL
sudoRunAsUser: ALL
sudoCommand: ALL

# Allow all sysops to execute anything
dn: cn=%sysop,ou=SUDOers,dc=syco,dc=net
objectClass: top
objectClass: sudoRole
cn: %sysop
sudoUser: %sysop
sudoHost: ALL
sudoRunAsUser: ALL
sudoCommand: ALL

Deberá comprender y editar los scripts antes de que se ejecuten en su servidor. Entre otras cosas que necesita personalizar para su instalación están las cosas relacionadas con "syco.net", usuarios, grupos y contraseñas.

En la última versión de CentOS 6 y openldap-server, mucho de esto ha cambiado la sintaxis, pero este fue el documento más útil que encontré en línea.
Alan Ivey

Configuración del cliente

Me he referido bastante a la respuesta de Arlukin, pero pensé que sería útil una versión reducida de la configuración del cliente. Una vez que haya configurado sus certificados, simplemente haga lo siguiente:

yum install sssd pam_ldap
chkconfig sssd on

authconfig      \
 --enablesssd --enablesssdauth --enablecachecreds \
 --enableldap --enableldaptls --enableldapauth \
 --ldapserver=ldap://ldap.example.com --ldapbasedn=dc=example,dc=com \
 --disablenis --disablekrb5 \
 --enableshadow --enablemkhomedir --enablelocauthorize \
 --passalgo=sha512 --updateall

Agregue esta configuración a la [domain/default]sección de /etc/sssd/sssd.conf:

ldap_schema = rfc2307bis
ldap_user_fullname = displayName
ldap_user_search_base = dc=People,dc=example,dc=com
ldap_group_search_base = dc=Roles,dc=example,dc=com
ldap_group_member = member
ldap_group_nesting_level = 4

ldap_default_bind_dn = cn=fooServer,dc=Devices,dc=example,dc=com
ldap_default_authtok_type = password
ldap_default_authtok = yourSecretPassword

Para probar su configuración sin certificados:

ldap_id_use_start_tls = False
ldap_auth_disable_tls_never_use_in_production = true

Control de acceso OpenLDAP

Algunas reglas de control de acceso para ayudarlo a comenzar (el orden importa). Tenga en cuenta que breakpermite que se procesen otras reglas que coincidan con el mismo objetivo. Algo de esto está dirigido a grupos anidados; consulte los grupos de Linux basados ​​en dn de ldap para obtener ayuda para configurarlos.

to attrs=userPassword,sambaLMPassword,sambaNTPassword
  by anonymous auth
  by self =rwdx
  by set="user & [cn=Administrators,ou=LDAP,dc=Applications,dc=example,dc=com]/member*" manage
  by dn.children="ou=Special Accounts,dc=example,dc=com" auth
  • permite que usuarios anónimos se autentiquen
  • los usuarios autenticados pueden cambiar sus propias contraseñas
  • los miembros del grupo de administración LDAP pueden cambiar la contraseña de cualquiera
  • la última línea es para la autenticación de proxy por parte de miembros de Cuentas especiales

to *
  by set="user & [cn=Administrators,ou=LDAP,dc=Applications,dc=example,dc=com]/member*" manage
  by * break

permite que todos los administradores de ldap cambien cualquier cosa

to dn.children="dc=Roles,dc=example,dc=com" attrs=member
  by set="user & this/owner" manage
  by set="user & this/owner*/member*" manage
  by set="user & this/owner*/manager*" manage
  by set="user & this/owner*/member*/manager*" manage
  by * break
  • permite a los usuarios administrar grupos de su propiedad
  • los grupos pueden ser dueños también
  • cualquiera que sea el gerente de un propietario del grupo también puede administrar el grupo
  • si el grupo fooes un propietario de grupo bar, los administradores de cualquier persona en foose manejan barasí

to dn.children="ou=Special Accounts,dc=example,dc=com" attrs=authzTo
  by * auth

Permite la autenticación de proxy de cuentas especiales a cualquier otro usuario. Esto podría usarse para que un servidor web pueda vincularse una vez usando una cuenta especial y luego verificar las credenciales de los usuarios normales en la misma conexión.

to dn.children="dc=People,dc=example,dc=com" 
  by self write
  by * break
  • permite a los usuarios editar sus campos de "perfil"

Es importante que los usuarios no puedan cambiar ninguno de sus atributos que afectarían sus permisos, como, por ejemplo manager, o memberOfsi su servidor lo admite.

to dn.children="dc=People,dc=example,dc=com"   
  by * read

Haga alguna información de contacto básica visible para cualquiera.

Brad Mace