tmux cómo desplazarse en la historia
# Short answer:
# to use the mouse, add this to your ~/.tmux.conf file
set -g mouse on
# Long answer (shamelessly recycled from Dennis Williamson):
# You can use your normal navigation keys (e.g. Up Arrow, PgDn, etc) to scroll
# in copy mode:
# Type Ctrl-b then [ to enter copy mode. Press q to quit copy mode
# Alternatively you can press Ctrl-b PgUp to go directly into copy mode and
# scroll one page up
# If you've added "set-window-option -g mode-keys vi" to your .tmux.conf file,
# once in copy mode you can also scroll the page up/down line by line using
# Shift-k and Shift-j. Unshifted, the cursor moves instead of the page.
# Other vi/emacs navigation commands from the man page:
Function vi emacs
-------- -- -----
Top of history g M->
Bottom of history G M-<
Half page down C-d M-Down
Half page up C-u M-Up
Next page C-f Page down
Previous page C-b Page up
Scroll down C-Down or C-e C-Down
Scroll up C-Up or C-y C-Up
Go to line : g
Search backward ? C-r
Search forward / C-s
Search again n n
Search again in reverse N N
Charles-Alexandre Roy