“Python OpenCV Escribir texto en la imagen” Código de respuesta

Python OpenCV Escribir texto en la imagen

# Python program to explain cv2.putText() method
# importing cv2
import cv2
# path
path = r'C:\Users\Rajnish\Desktop\geeksforgeeks\geeks.png'
# Reading an image in default mode
image = cv2.imread(path)
# Window name in which image is displayed
window_name = 'Image'
# font
# org
org = (50, 50)
# fontScale
fontScale = 1
# Blue color in BGR
color = (255, 0, 0)
# Line thickness of 2 px
thickness = 2
# Using cv2.putText() method
image = cv2.putText(image, 'OpenCV', org, font, 
                   fontScale, color, thickness, cv2.LINE_AA)
# Displaying the image
cv2.imshow(window_name, image)
Testy Turtle

Agregar texto CV2

cv2.putText (image, "text",coordinates)
Prickly Peacock

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