Cómo encontrar nada de veces un elemento en la lista Python
thislist = (1, 3, 7, 8, 7, 5, 4, 6, 8, 5)
x = thislist.count(5)
Bst Barracuda
thislist = (1, 3, 7, 8, 7, 5, 4, 6, 8, 5)
x = thislist.count(5)
# list of cars
cars = ['Benz','BMW','Ford','Ferrari','volkswagen','BMW']
numbers= [1,5,2,5,7,1,3,3,1,6]
# BWM Count in list
bmwCount = cars.count('BMW')
print("total no BMW count is = ",bmwCount)
# number count in list
numCount = numbers.count(1)
print("The count of number 1 is = ",numCount)
# if you give number in string format
numCount = numbers.count('3')
print("The count of number 3 is= ",numCount)
# create a list
numbers = [2, 3, 5, 2, 11, 2, 7]
# check the count of 2
count = numbers.count(2)
print('Count of 2:', count)
# Output: Count of 2: 3
# list of cars
cars = ['Benz',('volkswagen','BMW'),'Ford','Ferrari',('volkswagen','BMW')]
numbers= [1,(1,3),5,7,(1,3),3,1,6,(1,3)]
# BWM Count in list
bmwCount = cars.count(('volkswagen','BMW'))
print("total no BMW, volkswagen count is = ",bmwCount)
# number count in list
numCount = numbers.count((1,3))
print("The count of number 1,3 is = ",numCount)