“operadores en Python” Código de respuesta

operadores de pitón

# --------------------------
# -- Arithmetic Operators --
# --------------------------
# [+] Addition
# [-] Subtraction
# [*] Multiplication
# [/] Division
# [%] Modulus
# [**] Exponent
# [//] Floor Division
# --------------------------

# Addition

print(10 + 30)  # 40
print(-10 + 20)  # 10
print(1 + 2.66)  # 3.66
print(1.2 + 1.2)  # 2.4

# Subtraction

print(60 - 30)  # 30
print(-30 - 20)  # -50
print(-30 - -20)  # -10
print(5.66 - 3.44)  # 2.22

# Multiplication

print(10 * 3)  # 30
print(5 + 10 * 100)  # 1005
print((5 + 10) * 100)  # 1500

# Division

print(100 / 20)  # 5.0
print(int(100 / 20))  # 5

# Modulus

print(8 % 2)  # 0
print(9 % 2)  # 1
print(20 % 5)  # 0
print(22 % 5)  # 2

# Exponent

print(2 ** 5)  # 32
print(2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2)  # 32
print(5 ** 4)  # 625
print(5 * 5 * 5 * 5)  # 625

# Floor Division

print(100 // 20)  # 5
print(119 // 20)  # 5
print(120 // 20)  # 6
print(140 // 20)  # 7
print(142 // 20)  # 7
Helpful Horse

operadores en Python

a = 3
b = 4

# Arithmetic Operators
print("The value of 3+4 is ", 3+4)
print("The value of 3-4 is ", 3-4)
print("The value of 3*4 is ", 3*4)
print("The value of 3/4 is ", 3/4)

# Assignment Operators
a = 34
a -= 12
a *= 12
a /= 12

# Comparison Operators
# b = (14<=7)
# b = (14>=7)
# b = (14<7)
# b = (14>7)
# b = (14==7)
b = (14!=7)

# Logical Operators
bool1 = True
bool2 = False
print("The value of bool1 and bool2 is", (bool1 and bool2))
print("The value of bool1 or bool2 is", (bool1 or bool2))
print("The value of not bool2 is", (not bool2))
Coding boy Hasya

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