Número de conversión del sistema Python

print("\nBASE 10 TO BASE 2 TO 16\n")

decimal_numbers = [4799, 400]
for number in decimal_numbers:
    binary = bin(number)[2:]
    hexadec = hex(number)[2:]
    print(number, binary, sep=" ==> ")
    print(number, hexadec, sep=" ==> ")

print("\nBASE 2 TO BASE 10 AND 16\n")

binary_list = ["1111110001001110", "111111"]

for binary in binary_list:

    decimal = int(binary, 2)
    hexa = hex(decimal)[2:]
    print(binary, decimal, sep=" >>>> ")
    print(binary, hexa, sep=" >>>> ")

print("\nBASE 16 TO BASE 10 AND 2 NOW\n")

hex_numbers = ["3C7D", "FC4E"]
for hexa in hex_numbers:
    decimal_from_hex = int(hexa, 16)
    binary_from_hex = bin(int(hexa, 16))[2:]

    print(hexa, decimal_from_hex, sep="==")
    print(hexa, binary_from_hex, sep="==")

Pacifique RUBASHA