El usuario del sistema de inicio de sesión existe en TextFile Python
def loginExisting():
userDataEntry = open('loginInfo.txt', 'r')
listLines = userDataEntry.readlines()
userDict = {}
for eachLine in listLines:
entry = eachLine.split()
username = entry[0]
password = entry[1]
userDict[username] = password
checker = 0
while(checker == 0):
print("\nYou've registered already? (OwO) Okay then!\n")
usernameInput = input("Please enter your username:")
passwordInput = input("Please enter your password:")
if(usernameInput in userDict):
if(userDict[usernameInput] == passwordInput):
print("\nLogin successful!\nWelcome back,", usernameInput)
checker = 1
print("Password is incorrect. Try again.")
checker = 0
print("Username does not exist. Try again.")
checker = 0
nextStep = int(input("\nWould you like to:\n1.) Exit\n2.) Log out and return to menu\n\n"))
if(nextStep == 1):
if(nextStep == 2):
print("\nReturning to menu...\n")
return nextStep
Crazy Capuchin