decorador de nombres en Python

# defining a decorator  
def hello_decorator(func):  
    # inner1 is a Wrapper function in   
    # which the argument is called  
    # inner function can access the outer local  
    # functions like in this case "func"  
    def inner1():  
        print("Hello, this is before function execution")  
        # calling the actual function now  
        # inside the wrapper function.  
        print("This is after function execution")  
    return inner1

# defining a function, to be called inside wrapper  
def function_to_be_used():  
    print("This is inside the function !!")  
# passing 'function_to_be_used' inside the  
# decorator to control its behavior  
function_to_be_used = hello_decorator(function_to_be_used)  
# calling the function  

Hello, this is before function execution
This is inside the function !!
This is after function execution
Important Impala