“La validación de Laravel existe una matriz” Código de respuesta

Cómo verificar existir en matriz en la validación de reglas Laravel

['someProperty' => ['required', Rule::in(['needed', 'stuff'])]];

Validación de in_array laravel

I found a better solution. The validate in_array expects the array to be one of
the parameters in the request. The in: answer will not work if you have 
commas in the array. To use the in_array without having to create a new rule 
you can simply do: ( Make sure you include the .* at the end )

$this->allslots = array('10:00:00', '10:10:00', '10:20:00', '10:30:00', '10:40:00', '10:50:00', '11:00:00', '11:10:00', '11:20:00', '11:30:00', '11:40:00', '11:50:00', '12:00:00', '12:10:00', '12:20:00', '12:30:00', '12:40:00', '12:50:00', '13:00:00', '13:10:00', '13:20:00', '13:30:00', '13:40:00', '13:50:00', '14:00:00', '14:10:00', '14:20:00', '14:30:00', '14:40:00', '14:50:00', '15:00:00', '15:10:00', '15:20:00', '15:30:00', '15:40:00', '15:50:00', '16:00:00', '16:10:00', '16:20:00', '16:30:00', '16:40:00', '16:50:00');

$request['allslots'] = $this->allslots;

validate($request, [
  'field' => 'required|in_array:allslots.*',

La validación de Laravel existe una matriz

//Be careful it does multiple queries.
//'document_group_ids.*' => 'exists:document_groups,id'

public function rules(): array
   return [
       'document_type_id' => 'required|integer|exists:document_types,id',
       'document_group_ids' => 'required|array',
       'document_group_ids.*' => 'exists:document_groups,id',
Murat Çakmak

Validación de in_array laravel


The field under validation must be included in the given list of values. Since 
this rule often requires you to implode an array, the Rule::in method may be 
used to fluently construct the rule:

'field' => 'required|in:' . implode(',', ['value1', 'value2']),

El valor de verificación de validación de Laravel debe ser uno de la matriz

'item' => [ Rule::in($my_arr) ],
Arrogant Alligator

La validación de Laravel existe una matriz

$request = [
    'ids' => [1, 2, 3, 4],

$rules = [
    'ids' => 'required|array',
    'ids.*' => 'exists:users,id', // check each item in the array

$validator = Validator::make($request, $rules);

dd($validator->passes(), $validator->messages()->toArray());
Murat Çakmak

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