hashmap kotlin

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    //A simple example of HashMap class define
    // with empty "HashMap of <String, Int>"
    var hashMap : HashMap<String, Int>
            = HashMap<String, Int> ()
    //printing the Empty hashMap
    //adding elements to the hashMap using
    // put() function
    hashMap.put("IronMan" , 3000)
    hashMap.put("Thor" , 100)
    hashMap.put("SpiderMan" , 1100)
    hashMap.put("NickFury" , 1200)
    hashMap.put("HawkEye" , 1300)
    //printing the non-Empty hashMap
    //using the overloaded print function of
    //Kotlin language to get the same results
    println("hashMap : " + hashMap + "\n")
    //hashMap traversal using a for loop
    for(key in hashMap.keys){
        println("Element at key $key : ${hashMap[key]}")
    //creating another hashMap object with
    // the previous version of hashMap object
    var secondHashMap : HashMap<String, Int>
            = HashMap<String, Int> (hashMap)
    println("\n" + "Second HashMap : ")
    for(key in secondHashMap.keys){
        //using hashMap.get() function to fetch the values
        println("Element at key $key : ${hashMap.get(key)}")
    //this will clear the whole map and make it empty
    println("After Clearing : " + hashMap)
//function to print the hashMap
fun printHashMap(hashMap : HashMap<String, Int>){
    // isEmpty() function to check whether
    // the hashMap is empty or not
        println("hashMap is empty")
        println("hashMap : " + hashMap)