“¿Qué es una función async?” Código de respuesta

Async Awiat

const data = async ()  => {
  const got = await fetch('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1');
  console.log(await got.json())

Salo Hopeless

asíncea espera

// example using promise
const user = () => {
    .then((data) => {
         console.log(data); // here you recive data
         console.log(err); // here error

// example using async/await

const user = async () => {
  	// you must have use async keyword before use await
	const data = await fetch("https://randomuser.me/api/?results=1");
  	console.log(data); // if error occured it will be null or empty
Wandering Wryneck

Función Async en JavaScript

const foo = async () => {
   await// do something
// OR
async function foo() {
  await// do something
Inquisitive Iguana

asíncea espera

// ASYNC will always returns promises
// NOTE : AWAIT should be kept only inside ASYNC function
// AWAIT can't be used in regular function
/* TIPS : Js is single threaded & synchronous in nature BUT, we can
          make it as asyncronous by using (ASYNC/AWAIT)*/

//(Example 1 : fetching Random Image)
async function RandomImage(){  //remember async and await is powerful for async operations, always await should be inside of async only.

  try {
    const raw_response = await fetch("https://www.themealdb.com/api/json/v1/1/random.php");
      if (!raw_response.ok) { // check for the 404 errors
          throw new Error(raw_response.status);
    const json_data = await raw_response.json();  //AWAIT
    let data = json_data.meals[0];

  catch (error) { // catch block for network errors

//(Example 2 : returning another promise)
console.log("1 is working");
console.log("2 is working");
  var AsyncFunction = async() => {
    var x = new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
        setTimeout(() => resolve("3 is working"), 3000);
    var result = await x;
    return result;
AsyncFunction().then(resolved => console.log(resolved));
console.log("3 is working");

¿Qué es una función async?

// Old School Javascript Invoke
(async function() {
	await someAsyncFunction();

//New ES6 Javascript Invoke
(async () => {
	await someAsyncFunction();

//Example (async & await)
function delayResult() {
 return new Promise(resolve => {
   setTimeout(() => {
   }, 5000)
async function getResult() {
 let result = await delayResult();
 return result;

//New Example 
const data = async ()  => {
  const got = await fetch('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1');
  console.log(await got.json())

Tough Tuatara


async function run () {
  const user = await getUser()
  const tweets = await getTweets(user)
  return [user, tweets]
Motionless Mallard

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