¿Qué es Nicescroll?
//Nicescroll is a jquery plugin, for nice scrollbars with a very similar ios/mobile style.
// 1. Simple mode, it styles document scrollbar:
$(function() {
// 2. Instance with object returned:
var nice = false;
$(function() {
nice = $("body").niceScroll();
// 3. Style a DIV and change cursor color:
$(function() {
// 4. DIV with "wrapper", formed by two divs, the first is the vieport, the latter is the content:
$(function() {
// 5. Get nicescroll object:
var nice = $("#mydiv").getNiceScroll();
// 6. Hide scrollbars:
// 7. Check for scrollbars resize (when content or position have changed):
// 8. Scrolling to a position:
$("#mydiv").getNiceScroll(0).doScrollLeft(x, duration); // Scroll X Axis
$("#mydiv").getNiceScroll(0).doScrollTop(y, duration); // Scroll Y Axis
jatin kabariya