Python en línea a C Converter
console.log("Hello World!");
Good Grasshopper
console.log("Hello World!");
def getMinimumCost(arr):
# Write your code here
# find neighbor has max difference
cost = 0
max_cost = 0
f_index, s_index = 0, 0
# find max diff between neighbors
for i in range(len(arr)-1):
first = arr[i]
second = arr[i+1]
if abs(second-first) > max_cost:
max_cost = abs(second-first)
f_index = i
s_index = i + 1
# new number between the max diff
mid = (arr[f_index] + arr[s_index]) // 2
# add the cost
cost += (arr[f_index] - mid) * (arr[f_index] - mid)
cost += (arr[s_index] - mid) * (arr[s_index] - mid)
# add the cost
for i in range(len(arr)-1):
if i == f_index:
first = arr[i]
second = arr[i+1]
cost += (first - second) * (first - second)
return cost