Código Converter Java a C
package demo;
import com.mtsystems.coot.IntContainer;
import com.mtsystems.coot.NativeHelper;
import com.mtsystems.coot.String8;
public class DemoTranslation {
static {
// The online demo uses the example library "libc.so.6".
// Have a look at the translated programs for real values.
NativeHelper h = NativeHelper.get("libc.so.6");
public static native int readinput(String8 arg1, String8 arg2, IntContainer arg3);
public static native int printoutput(String8 arg1, String8 arg2, IntContainer arg3);
public static void main(String[] args) {
String8[] fname = new String8[3], lname = new String8[3];
IntContainer[] marks = new IntContainer[3];
System.out.print("Hello World");