Utilizando las respuestas de Vidar y Jacob como base, he creado la siguiente solución que le permitirá escribir = fullCellRef (A1) que copiará el valor y el formato de A1.
Un efecto secundario menor es que si arrastra y copia una celda con esta fórmula, las nuevas celdas copiarán inicialmente el formato de la celda original (como es normal), pero luego cambiarán al formato de referencia después de una pequeña pausa.
Hoja de muestra aquí .
* Dummy function to be the equivalent of using simple reference,
* but is used to identify which cells to copy format.
* The immediate effect of =fullCellRef(A1) is the same as =A1
* @param {string} value The value of the referred cell
* @return {string} The given value
function fullCellRef(value){
return value;
* For each cell with the formula eg B2=fullCellRef(A1), the format of
* the referred cell (eg A1) is copied to the calling cell (eg B2)
function copyFormatting() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var range = sheet.getDataRange();
var offsetRow = range.getRow() - 1;
var offsetCol = range.getColumn() - 1;
var formulas = range.getFormulas();
var formats = {
fontColors: range.getFontColors(),
backgrounds: range.getBackgrounds(),
fonts: range.getFontFamilies(),
fontWeights: range.getFontWeights(),
fontStyles: range.getFontStyles(),
verticalAlignments: range.getVerticalAlignments(),
horizontalAlignments: range.getHorizontalAlignments(),
numberFormats: range.getNumberFormats()
var formulaIsUsed = false;
for (var row = 0; row < formulas.length; row ++ ) {
for (var column = 0; column < formulas[row].length; column ++ ) {
var refersTo = findReferenceCells(formulas[row][column]);
if (refersTo){
formulaIsUsed = true;
var refRow = refersTo.row - offsetRow;
var refCol = refersTo.column - offsetCol;
for (var key in formats) {
formats[key][row][column] = formats[key][refRow][refCol];
if (formulaIsUsed) {
* Returns the 2D array indices to identify the referred cell.
* @param {string} formula The cell formula
* @return {Array.integer} The row and column array indices
function findReferenceCells(formula) {
if (formula === "") {
return false;
var refPattern = /^=fullcellref\(([a-z]{1,2})(\d+)\)$/i;
var matches = refPattern.exec(formula.replace(" ", ""));
if (!matches) {
return false;
// convert cell reference to array indices
var column = colToInteger(matches[0]) - 1;
var row = matches[1] - 1;
return {row: row, column: column};
* Converts a column name to a column number
* @param {string} columnName eg "A", "BB"
* @return {integer} Between 1 and 256
function colToInteger(columnName){
var nameParts = columnName.toLowerCase().split();
//97 is char code of "a", but we need 1 based indices
var colNum = nameParts.pop().charCodeAt(0) - 96;
if (nameParts.length === 1){
colNum += 26 * (nameParts.pop().charCodeAt(0) - 96);
return colNum;