UAC aparece después de cada inicio de sesión. ¿Cómo descubro lo que está mal y lo soluciono?


Tengo una PC casi nueva con Win7 Home Premium. En cada inicio de sesión exitoso, aparece una ventana emergente de UAC que solicita permiso para "modificar el contenido en el disco" en nombre del Centro de control de Windows. ¿Alguna pista sobre cómo puedo diagnosticar cuál es el problema y con suerte solucionarlo?




La ventana emergente UAC proviene del software Alienware que se inicia automáticamente para administrar las características específicas de Alienware de la PC. Si actualiza el software Alienware a la versión más actual, las advertencias UAC deberían desaparecer.

To do this, the update check integrated in the Alienware Command Center didn't work for me - it insisted that the software was already at the most current version. I had to download the new version manually from the Dell support site. First you have to find your PC model under "Support for home users" -> "Drivers and downloads", then you can download software in the "Application" section. The download is called "Dell-Application" and contains the current version of the Command Center utilities.

  1. Check the event log for anything from the Windows Control Center, to try to see what it's doing.

  2. Download Autoruns.exe from Sysinternals and run it, then clear any checkbox from Windows Control Center. (I'm not sure what that is, by the way. Windows Control Center I mean. That's not good.)

Mark Allen
Maybe I'm begin naive here, but isn't Windows Control Center (or Command Center, can't recall) a piece of windows? The thing that keeps complaining about backups not being scheduled etc. Also, the UAC says it's code signed from Microsoft, so I'm not that worried.
@agnul I'm always willing to be wrong. :) I'm running Windows. How do I access the Windows Control Center / Command Center?
Mark Allen
Now you're making me nervous :-) I've just checked, it's called "Command Center" and the UAC popup says it has a certificate signed by Microsoft Corporation. It somewhat troubles me that the certificate seems expired in 2011. Some digging in autoruns seems to be in order.
@agnul Sorry to worry you, I just hadn't heard of it before. A web search shows that it might be someone's product:
Mark Allen
Still no idea what it is, but the CLSID in the UAC dialog box seems to be registered to alienware, must be some OEM stuff. (My PC is indeed an alienware one).