No hay una forma integrada de hacer un clon real (copia profunda) de un objeto en node.js. Hay algunos casos extremos complicados, por lo que definitivamente debe usar una biblioteca para esto. Escribí una función para mi biblioteca simpleoo . Puedes usar eldeepCopy
función sin usar nada más de la biblioteca (que es bastante pequeña) si no la necesita. Esta función admite la clonación de múltiples tipos de datos, incluidas matrices, fechas y expresiones regulares, admite referencias recursivas y también funciona con objetos cuyas funciones de constructor tienen los parámetros necesarios.
Aquí está el código:
//If Object.create isn't already defined, we just do the simple shim, without the second argument,
//since that's all we need here
var object_create = Object.create;
if (typeof object_create !== 'function') {
object_create = function(o) {
function F() {}
F.prototype = o;
return new F();
* Deep copy an object (make copies of all its object properties, sub-properties, etc.)
* An improved version of
* that doesn't break if the constructor has required parameters
* It also borrows some code from
function deepCopy = function deepCopy(src, /* INTERNAL */ _visited) {
if(src == null || typeof(src) !== 'object'){
return src;
// Initialize the visited objects array if needed
// This is used to detect cyclic references
if (_visited == undefined){
_visited = [];
// Ensure src has not already been visited
else {
var i, len = _visited.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// If src was already visited, don't try to copy it, just return the reference
if (src === _visited[i]) {
return src;
// Add this object to the visited array
//Honor native/custom clone methods
if(typeof src.clone == 'function'){
return src.clone(true);
//Special cases:
if ( == '[object Array]') {
//[].slice(0) would soft clone
ret = src.slice();
var i = ret.length;
while (i--){
ret[i] = deepCopy(ret[i], _visited);
return ret;
if (src instanceof Date) {
return new Date(src.getTime());
if (src instanceof RegExp) {
return new RegExp(src);
//DOM Element
if (src.nodeType && typeof src.cloneNode == 'function') {
return src.cloneNode(true);
//If we've reached here, we have a regular object, array, or function
//make sure the returned object has the same prototype as the original
var proto = (Object.getPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf(src): src.__proto__);
if (!proto) {
proto = src.constructor.prototype; //this line would probably only be reached by very old browsers
var ret = object_create(proto);
for(var key in src){
//Note: this does NOT preserve ES5 property attributes like 'writable', 'enumerable', etc.
//For an example of how this could be modified to do so, see the singleMixin() function
ret[key] = deepCopy(src[key], _visited);
return ret;
npm install underscore
2.var _ = require('underscore')