En Laravel 4, mi controlador usa un diseño Blade:
class PagesController extends BaseController {
protected $layout = 'layouts.master';
El diseño maestro genera el título de la variable y luego muestra una vista:
<title>{{ $title }}</title>
Sin embargo, en mi controlador, parece que solo puedo pasar variables a la subvista, no al diseño. Por ejemplo, una acción podría ser:
public function index()
$this->layout->content = View::make('pages/index', array('title' => 'Home page'));
This will only pass the $title
variable to the content section of the view. How can I provide that variable to the whole view, or at the very least the master layout?
@component('alert', ['foo' => 'bar'])
......For future Google'rs that use Laravel 5, you can now also use it with includes,
@include('views.otherView', ['variable' => 1])
I was able to solve that problem by adding this to my controller method:
$title = 'My Title Here'; View::share('title', $title);
$this->layout->title = 'Home page'; did not work either.
In the Blade Template : define a variable like this
@extends('app',['title' => 'Your Title Goes Here']) @section('content')
And in the app.blade.php or any other of your choice ( I'm just following default Laravel 5 setup )
<title>{{ $title or 'Default title Information if not set explicitly' }}</title>
This is my first answer here. Hope it works.Good luck!
{{ $title ?? 'Default Title' }}
Simplest way to solve:
view()->share('title', 'My Title Here');
Or using view Facade:
use View; ... View::share('title', 'My Title Here');
It appears as though I can pass variables to the entire layout using attributes on the layout object, for example to solve my problem I was able to do the following:
$this->layout->title = 'Home page';
class PagesController extends BaseController { protected $layout = 'layouts.master'; public function index() { $this->layout->title = "Home page"; $this->layout->content = View::make('pages/index'); } }
At the Blade Template file, REMEMBER to use @ in front the variable.
... <title>{{ $title or '' }}</title> ... @yield('content') ...
You can try:
public function index() { return View::make('pages/index', array('title' => 'Home page')); }
just try this simple method: in controller:-
public function index() { $data = array( 'title' => 'Home', 'otherData' => 'Data Here' ); return view('front.landing')->with($data); }
And in you layout (app.blade.php) :
<title>{{ $title }} - {{ config('app.name') }} </title>
Thats all.
if you want to get the variables of sections you can pay like this:
$_view = new \View; $_sections = $_view->getFacadeRoot()->getSections(); dd($_sections); /* Out: array:1 [▼ "title" => "Painel" ] */
$data['title'] = $this->layout->title = 'The Home Page'; $this->layout->content = View::make('home', $data);
I've done this so far because I needed in both the view and master file. It seems if you don't use $this->layout->title it won't be available in the master layout. Improvements welcome!