Había una anciana


Su objetivo es escribir un programa que imprima el siguiente poema exactamente como aparece aquí:

There was an old lady who swallowed a fly.
I don't know why she swallowed that fly,
Perhaps she'll die.

There was an old lady who swallowed a spider,
That wriggled and iggled and jiggled inside her.
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly,
I don't know why she swallowed that fly,
Perhaps she'll die.

There was an old lady who swallowed a bird,
How absurd to swallow a bird.
She swallowed the bird to catch the spider,
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly,
I don't know why she swallowed that fly,
Perhaps she'll die.

There was an old lady who swallowed a cat,
Imagine that to swallow a cat.
She swallowed the cat to catch the bird,
She swallowed the bird to catch the spider,
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly,
I don't know why she swallowed that fly,
Perhaps she'll die.

There was an old lady who swallowed a dog,
What a hog to swallow a dog.
She swallowed the dog to catch the cat,
She swallowed the cat to catch the bird,
She swallowed the bird to catch the spider,
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly,
I don't know why she swallowed that fly,
Perhaps she'll die.

There was an old lady who swallowed a horse,
She died of course.

El texto debe aparecer exactamente como aparece aquí, y gana la menor cantidad de caracteres.

Editar: es posible que su programa no acceda a Internet.

Ethan Roseman
¿Cuenta en bytes codificados UTF-8?
El golf dice claramente "pocos caracteres", no bytes. Codifíquelo como desee, siempre y cuando siga siendo un programa válido.
Thomas Eding
Como referencia, el poema tiene 1208 caracteres de longitud.



Perl 5.10, 392 384 372 235 369 (ASCII) / 234 (Unicode)

La versión ASCII más corta de esto tiene 369 caracteres de longitud:

@_=(fly,spider,bird,cat,dog);$_="There was an old lady who!ed a";for$P("",",
That wrJand Jand jJinside her",",
How absurd&",",
Imagine that&",",
What a hog&"){$p=$c;$c=$".shift@_;$t=$p?"She!ed the$c to catch the$p,
$t":"I don't know why she!ed that$c,
Perhaps she'll die.

$t";s/&/ to! a$c/}s/!/ swallow/g;s/J/iggled /g;say"$_ horse,
She died of course."

Comenzó desde este programa base:

my @animals = qw(fly spider bird cat dog);
my $buf = "There was an old lady who swallowed a ";
for my $phrase ( "",
                 ",\nThat wriggled and iggled and jiggled inside her",
                 ",\nHow absurd&",
                 ",\nImagine that&",
                 ",\nWhat a hog&" ) { 
  $previous = $current;
  $current = shift @animals;
  $trail = $previous ? "She swallowed the $current to catch the $previous,\n$trail"
                     : "I don't know why she swallowed that $current,\n"
                       . "Perhaps she'll die.\n\n$buf";
  $buf .= "$current$phrase.\n$trail";
  $buf =~ s/&/ to swallow a $current/;
say "$buf horse,\nShe died of course.";

La idea central es mantener el final de la rima y el comienzo de la siguiente $trail, aumentando a medida que avanzamos. No es trivial por la necesidad de un caso especial para el primer uso, y el intento de reutilizar la variable del nombre del animal incluso en la frase específica del animal. Otras optimizaciones incluyen:

  • identificadores de un carácter para todo
  • usando palabras simples en lugar de cadenas citadas para la lista de animales
  • uso del acumulador $_para $bufacortar aún más la mayoría de las operaciones de sustitución (el uso @_es por la fuerza del hábito y no gana nada más que cualquier otro personaje)
  • incluido el espacio anterior directamente dentro de la variable de nombre animal (el carácter de espacio tomado de la $"variable)
  • sustitución de expresiones regulares para acortar las frases más comunes: ' swallow'y'iggled '
  • sin espaciado de código y todos \nen literales de cadena reemplazados por líneas nuevas reales

Todos menos la última optimización producen esto:

@_ = (fly, spider, bird, cat, dog);
$_ = "There was an old lady who!ed a";
for $P ( "",
         ",\nThat wrJand Jand jJinside her",
         ",\nHow absurd&",
         ",\nImagine that&",
         ",\nWhat a hog&" ) { 
  $p = $c;
  $c = $" . shift @_;
  $t = $p ? "She!ed the$c to catch the$p,\n$t"
          : "I don't know why she!ed that$c,\nPerhaps she'll die.\n\n$_";
  $_ .= "$c$P.\n$t";
  s/&/ to! a$c/;
s/!/ swallow/g;
s/J/iggled /g;
say "$_ horse,\nShe died of course.";

Además, este golf es víctima del problema de codificación no especificado. A medida que, a partir de ahora, cuenta caracteres individuales en lugar de bytes en una codificación específica, se puede lograr una gran ganancia decodificando la fuente del programa desde UCS2 antes de comenzar. El resultado final ya no es muy legible, pero es corto, de acuerdo. (234 caracteres, contados como una diferencia de perl -E''lo habitual) (tuve que incluir la nueva línea final para que sea válida UCS2)

$ perl -MEncode=from_to -e'$_="䁟㴨晬礬獰楤敲Ɫ楲搬捡琬摯朩㬤弽≔桥牥⁷慳⁡渠潬搠污摹⁷桯Ⅵ搠愢㭦潲⑐⠢∬∬੔桡琠睲䩡湤⁊慮搠橊楮獩摥⁨敲∬∬ੈ潷⁡扳畲搦∬∬੉浡杩湥⁴桡琦∬∬੗桡琠愠桯朦∩笤瀽④㬤挽␢⹳桩晴䁟㬤琽⑰㼢卨攡敤⁴桥④⁴漠捡瑣栠瑨攤瀬ਤ琢㨢䤠摯渧琠歮潷⁷桹⁳桥Ⅵ搠瑨慴④Ⰺ健牨慰猠獨攧汬⁤楥⸊ਤ弢㬤弮㴢④⑐⸊⑴∻猯☯⁴漡⁡④⽽猯ℯ⁳睡汬潷⽧㭳⽊⽩杧汥搠⽧㭳慹∤张桯牳攬੓桥⁤楥搠潦⁣潵牳攮∊";from_to($_,utf8,ucs2);eval'

Una buena cosa era mucho golf antes de recurrir a Unicode, o no sería muy divertido.

Editar: no puedo encontrar una manera de copiar / pegar la versión de 234 caracteres en este navegador, así que dejo la versión de 235 caracteres. Arreglará esta noche, cuando tenga en mis manos un portapapeles real compatible con UTF8. encontre una forma. Casi a prueba de ideonas.

Revoqué mi voto a favor. El truco de embalaje Unicode está envejeciendo.
Joey Adams
La versión no empaquetada todavía está en, sabes; p
@JoeyAdams realmente? Ni siquiera noté la versión empaquetada hasta que leí tu comentario

Perl, 120 94 caracteres

El recuento incluye una llamada al intérprete.

Dijiste reproducirlo exactamente como lo hace aquí;)

perl -MLWP::Simple -E'($p=get("http://goo.gl/kg17j"))=~s#^.+?pr.*?de>|</co.*?re>.+$##sg;say$p'

nótese bien

Esta solución es lo que provocó la restricción de "no Internet". Que sea una lección para futuras especificaciones de preguntas de código de golf :)

¡Esta entrada se convirtió en una quine en el momento en que la publiqué! Una pequeña manipulación de expresiones regulares restableció el servicio a la normalidad ...
Manera podrida de resolverlo, porque se basa en la existencia de un recurso externo. Contaría la longitud de la pregunta contra ella igual que lo haría con un programa que lee el poema de un archivo.
Los recursos externos no son un problema, ya que es bastante cuestionable qué es un recurso y qué es el medio ambiente. Me gusta explotar la brecha en la pregunta inicial no estrictamente definida. Esta no es una solución, pero es un buen ejemplo para tener cuidado al hacer preguntas :-)
Puede ser una forma podrida de resolverlo, pero depende de un recurso externo que es tan probable que exista como la pregunta que responde. Lo que lo hace perfectamente aceptable como respuesta a dicha pregunta, IMO.
@trinithis: La restricción de 'no Internet' se impuso después de mi publicación. Es cierto que este no es un intento serio de codificar una solución, pero cumplió con las especificaciones en el momento de su publicación. Ah, y LWP::Simple es parte del núcleo de Perl, al menos en v5.12.3.

Python 3.x: 407 caracteres

import base64,zlib;print(zlib.decompress(base64.b64decode(b'eNrlkLFOxDAQRPt8xXTXoHwHdEhEot7L+myD8Z7snKz8Pd6LT7mgFFQIRGftPs/OzOBMMiiUQRESGIF4RnGCXCgEKYZBOIW5B7onsMTDhPcopTIzsjN33ORoUvShos8mOTpnJQ4hgL3pu2741rF89mySigwqWJK3NugmMu6eb+3tY648qrRafPniyDQ5TIKRptFdZ83kz+Q5+sQq8ViP0DFfEquZRrT9vnXdbI2v3fzCoPXs9dgHWR/NorpJWoH9oONCrr5vnf35TlisKryqGsGJ3TZS1/uN8EKurlu5/6k7Jymbm7f6kSEnjHKp0/4TSSOZgA==')).decode('utf8'))
Se puede conseguir hasta 391 caracteres haciendo algo como: zlib importación; zlib.decompress de impresión ( "" "eJzlkLFOxDAQRPt8xXTXoHwHdEhEot7L + myD8Z7snKz8Pd6LT7mgFFQIRGftPs / OzOBMMiiUQRES GIF4RnGCXCgEKYZBOIW5B7onsMTDhPcopTIzsjN33ORoUvShos8mOTpnJQ4hgL3pu2741rF89myS igwqWJK3NugmMu6eb + 3tY648qrRafPniyDQ5TIKRptFdZ83kz + P5 + sQq8ViP0DFfEquZRrT9vnXd bI2v3fzCoPXs9dgHWR / NorpJWoH9oONCrr5vnf35TlisKryqGsGJ3TZS1 / uN8EKurlu5 / 6k7Jymb m7f6kSEnjHKp0 / 4TSSOZgA ==" "" .decode ('base64'))
Manera creativa de comprimir esto.

JavaScript (422)

Funciona en las versiones de intérprete de SpiderMonkey utilizadas tanto por anarchy golf como por ideone .

for(a="fly0spider0bird0cat0dog0horse0How absurd0Imagine that0What a hog".split(i=0);p=print;p("I don't know why she swallowed that fly,\nPerhaps she'll die.\n")){p("There was an old lady who swallowed a",a[i]+(i?",":"."));i>4&&quit(p("She died of course."));i&&p(i>1?a[4+i]+" to swallow a "+a[i]+".":"That wriggled and iggled and jiggled inside her.");for(j=i++;j;)p("She swallowed the "+a[j]+" to catch the "+a[--j]+",")}

Un poco más bien formateado:

for (a = "fly0spider0bird0cat0dog0horse0How absurd0Imagine that0What a hog".split(i = 0);
p = print; p("I don't know why she swallowed that fly,\nPerhaps she'll die.\n")) {
    p("There was an old lady who swallowed a", a[i] + (i ? "," : "."));
    i > 4 && quit(p("She died of course."));
    i && p(i > 1
        ? a[4 + i] + " to swallow a " + a[i] + "."
        : "That wriggled and iggled and jiggled inside her."
    for (j = i++; j;) p("She swallowed the " + a[j] + " to catch the " + a[--j] + ",");
Por favor levantese
El uso inteligente de la división de 0truco para inicializar ia 0en tan sólo 2 bytes. Tener un +1

Vim, 373 pulsaciones de teclas

iThere was an old lady who swallowed a fly.
I don't know why she s<C-n> that f<C-n>,
Perhaps she'll die.

T<C-x><C-l><Left><C-w>spider<Esc>oThat wriggled <Esc>6hiand <Esc>3hy$u$ppbij<End>inside her.
She s<C-n> the sp<C-n> to catch the f<C-n>,
I<C-x><C-l><C-x><C-l><Esc>qqyapGp3jYPkk$Bqcwbird<Esc>+CHow absurd to sw<C-n><Backspace><Backspace> a b<C-n>.<Esc>qwyb5wvep$Bvepq@qcwcat<Esc>+CImagine that to sw<C-p> a cat.<Esc>@w@qcwdog<Esc>+CWhat a hog to sw<C-p> a dog.<Esc>@w@qcwhorse<Esc>+cGShe d<C-p>d of course.

Es curioso lo exponencial que es la lucha.


C (gcc) , 429 424 bytes

-5 bytes gracias a ceilingcat

*w[]={"384fly<1","I don't know why she5ed that fly<Perhaps she'll die.772","There was an old lady who5ed a ","She5ed the "," to catch the "," swallow"," to5 a ","\n","spider","bird","cat","iggled ",",7","3948<0"};U(char*s){for(;*s;s++)*s>47&*s<65?U(w[*s-48]):putchar(*s);}f(){U("2fly.718<That wr;and ;and j;inside her.709<How absurd69.7=:<Imagine that6:.73:49<=dog<What a hog6dog.73dog4:<3:49<=horse<She died of course.7");}

Pruébalo en línea!


Ruby, 436 caracteres

w=" swallowed "
f="There was an old lady who#{w}a "
c=" to swallow a %s"
s=nil,"That wriggled and iggled and jiggled inside her","How absurd"+c,"Imagine that"+c,"What a hog"+c
puts f+k+(t ??,:?.),t&&[t%k+?.,a.map{|x|y,k=k,x;"She#{w}the #{y} to catch the #{k},"}],"I don't know why she#{w}that fly,","Perhaps she'll die.",""
puts f+"horse,","She died of course."

Scala ( 706 619 599 550 caracteres)

val L=Seq("fly","spider","bird","cat","dog")
val M="\nThere was an old lady who %sed a %s,"
type S=String
def s(l:S,a:S="",b:S="")=l.format("swallow",a,b)
def p(l:S,a:S=""){println(s(l,a))}
var i=0
var r=List[S]()
if(i>0){p(Seq("","That wriggled and iggled and jiggled inside her.","How absurd","Imagine that","What a hog")(i)+(if(i>1)" to %s a %s."else""),a)
r::=s("She %sed the %s to catch the %s,",L(i),L(i-1))
p("I don't know why she %sed that fly,\nPerhaps she'll die.")
p("She died of course.")

Usar el mapa en lugar de foreach permite exprimir más caracteres ... En codegolf, no nos importa el rendimiento, la elegancia (no mutabilidad) o la lógica ...


tinta , 370 369 354 bytes

LIST B=fly,spider,bird,cat,dog,horse
VAR s=" swallow"
There was an old lady who{s}ed a {B}{.|,}
{|That wriggled and iggled and jiggled inside her|How absurd|Imagine that|What a hog|She died of course.->END}{|.| to{s} a {B}.}
She{s}ed the {B+1} to catch the {B},
}I don't know why she{s}ed that fly,
Perhaps she'll die.

Pruébalo en línea!


LIST B=fly,spider,bird,cat,dog,horse           // Ink's "LIST"s aren't much like lists - they're more like enums. Here we create a list type stating what animals exist, and make a set containing none of them.
VAR s=" swallow "                              // Pretty self-explanatory
-(i)~B=B(i)                                    // The i label keeps track of how many times we've visited it. We set B (the set) to be equal to the i-th item in B (the list type).
There was an old lady who{s}ed a {B}{.|,}      // Print the first line. {.|,} is a sequence - it's a period the first time it's encountered, and a comma every subsequent time.
                                               // Sequences can have more than one item in them, which is how we print the second line. When we get to the horse one, we terminate the program right away.
{|That wriggled and iggled and jiggled inside her|How absurd|Imagine that|What a hog|She died of course.->END}{|.|to{s} a {B}}.}
-(k)~B--                                       // Step back through the list type.
{B:                                            // A conditional - we execure the next two lines if B is non-empty.
She{s}ed the {B+1} to catch the {B},           // Print the "she swallowed the..." line
->k                                            // And repeat
}I don't know why she{s}ed that fly,           // Only reached when the conditional fails.
Perhaps she'll die.
\                                              // A backslash and a space to force an empty line.
->i                                            // Back to the top
Sara J

Haskell, 515 498

La puntuación no cuenta nuevas líneas y espacios agregados para la presentación.

b c a="There was an old lady who swallowed a "++a++c++".\n"
t r a=b(",\n"++r++" to swallow a "++a)a
s(a,b)="She swallowed the "++a++" to catch the "++b++",\n"
h=[b"",b",\nThat wriggled and iggled and jiggled inside her",t"How absurd",
 t"Imagine that",t"What a hog"]
v(g,p)=g++(=<<)s(zip p$tail p)++
 "I don't know why she swallowed that fly,\nPerhaps she'll die.\n\n"
main=putStr$(=<<)v(zip(zipWith($)h z)(tail$scanl(flip(:))[]z))++b
 ",\nShe died of course""horse"

Sin golf:

type Animal = String
type Comment = String

beginning :: Animal -> Comment -> String
beginning animal comment = "There was an old lady who swallowed a " ++ animal ++ comment ++ ".\n"

ending :: String
ending = "I don't know why she swallowed that fly,\nPerhaps she'll die.\n\n"

to_swallow :: String -> Animal -> Comment
to_swallow start animal = ",\n" ++ start ++ " to swallow a " ++ animal

swallowed_to_catch :: (Animal, Animal) -> String
swallowed_to_catch (a, b) = "She swallowed the " ++ a ++ " to catch the " ++ b ++ ",\n"

animals :: [(Animal, Animal -> Comment)]
animals = [("fly",    const "")
          ,("spider", const ",\nThat wriggled and iggled and jiggled inside her")
          ,("bird",   to_swallow "How absurd")
          ,("cat",    to_swallow "Imagine that")
          ,("dog",    to_swallow "What a hog")

-- Turn [1,2,3,4,5] into [[1], [2,1], [3,2,1], [4,3,2,1], [5,4,3,2,1]]
trail :: [a] -> [[a]]
trail = tail . scanl (flip (:)) []

verses :: [String]
verses = zipWith verse animals (trail $ map fst animals)

verse :: (Animal, Animal -> Comment) -> [Animal] -> String
verse (animal, comment) swallow_chain =
    beginning animal (comment animal) ++
    concatMap swallowed_to_catch (zip swallow_chain (tail swallow_chain)) ++

poem :: String
poem = concat verses ++ beginning "horse" ",\nShe died of course"

main :: IO ()
main = putStr poem
Joey Adams
Alias (++)con un identificador más corto podría ser una buena idea.
Thomas Eding
@ThomasEding o alias al #operador o algo similar

Python, 484

Ok, lo hice pero fue bastante aburrido ...

La última oración es siempre con "volar", por lo que se eliminaron algunos caracteres ...

f,s,b,c,d=o='fly spider bird cat dog'.split()
x='There was an old lady who swallowed a %s.\n'
t=' to swallow a %s.\n'
r=['That wriggled and iggled and jiggled inside her.\n','How absurd'+t%b,'Imagine that'+t%c,'What a hog'+t%d]
t=("She swallowed the %s to catch the %s,\n"*4%(d,c,c,b,b,s,s,f)).split('\n')
print("I don't know why she swallowed that fly,\nPerhaps she'll die.\n\n".join([x%f]+[x%o[i]+r[i-1]+'\n'.join(t[-i-1:])for i in range(1,5)]+[''])+x%'horse'+'She died of course.')

Versión menos golfizada:

f,s,b,c,d = all = 'fly spider bird cat dog'.split()

what = 'There was an old lady who swallowed a %s.\n'

t = ' to swallow a %s.\n'
comments = ['That wriggled and iggled and jiggled inside her.\n',
            'How absurd' + t%b,
            'Imagine that' + t%c,
            'What a hog' + t%d]

swallowed = "She swallowed the %s to catch the %s,\n"
lines = (swallowed*4%(d,c,c,b,b,s,s,f)).split('\n')

end = '''I don't know why she swallowed that fly,
Perhaps she'll die.\n\n'''

def who_catch_who(i):
    return '\n'.join(lines[-i-1:])

p = end.join([what % f] + 
             [what % all[i] +
              comments[i-1] +
              who_catch_who(i) for i in range(1,5)] +

print(p + what % 'horse' + 'She died of course.')

C, por diversión (561 caracteres)

La puntuación no cuenta nuevas líneas y espacios agregados para la presentación.

¡Gracias a JB por sus mejoras!

#include <stdio.h>

void main() {
    char *e = "\nShe swallowed the cat to catch the bird,\nShe swallowed the bird to catch the spider,\nShe swallowed the spider to catch the fly,\nI don't know why she swallowed that fly,\nPerhaps she'll die.\n\nThere was an old lady who swallowed a ";
    printf("%sfly.%sspider,\nThat wriggled and iggled and jiggled inside her.%sbird,\nHow absurd to swallow a bird.%scat,\nImagine that to swallow a cat.%sdog,\nWhat a hog to swallow a dog.\nShe swallowed the dog to catch the cat,%shorse,\nShe died of course.", e+191, e+128, e+85, e+41, e, e);
Matthew Read
¿Estás seguro de que necesitas todo eso &y []?
@JB tiene razón, puede reemplazar un [] con * a y simplemente eliminar el &. Deberías ganar 25 caracteres.
Probablemente hay algo genial que hacer en C, con punteros en el medio de una cadena compartida común.
@PhiLho Gracias, ayer mi cerebro estaba un poco frito y olvidé quitar el &s cuando usaba punteros y no funcionó: P. JB, no conozco un método que no requiera indexación (y use aún más caracteres).
Matthew leyó el
Algo como esto. Su versión, reordenada, 627 caracteres pastebin.com/MQ4LJue7 ; mi versión, 561 caracteres pastebin.com/7eMAWmAi

C #, 556 caracteres

class P{static void Main(){string a="There was an old lady who swallowed a ",b="I don't know why she swallowed that ",c="She swallowed the ",d=" to catch the ",e="Perhaps she'll die.\n\n",f="fly",g="spider",h="bird",i="cat",j="dog",k=",\n",l=".\n",m="to swallow a ",n=c+g+d+f+k,o=c+h+d+g+k,p=b+f+k,q=c+i+d+h+k,r=n+p,s=o+r,t=q+s,u=e+a;System.Console.Write(a+f+l+p+u+g+k+"That wriggled and iggled and jiggled inside her"+l+r+u+h+k+"How absurd "+m+h+l+s+u+i+k+"Imagine that "+m+i+l+t+u+j+k+"What a hog "+m+j+l+c+j+d+i+k+t+u+"horse"+k+"She died of course.");}}

Perl, 489 caracteres

sub Y{$t=pop;my$s;while($b=pop){$s.="She ${W}ed the $t to catch the $b,\n";$t=$b;}$s.=$l{fly}.$/;}$W='swallow';$w='iggled';$q=" to $W a";$o="There was an old lady who ${W}ed a";$h='hat';@f=qw/fly spider bird cat dog/;@l{@f}=("I don't know why she ${W}ed t$h fly,
Perhaps she'll die.$/","T$h wr$w and $w and j$w inside her.","How absurd$q bird.","Imagine t$h$q cat.","W$h a hog$q dog.");map{$m=$f[$_];print"$o $m,
",$_?Y@f[0..$_]:'';}0..$#f;print"$o horse,
She died of course.$/"

PHP , 344 bytes


Pruébalo en línea!

PHP , 405 bytes

106That wr8and 8and j8inside her.
How absurd57.
Imagine that59.
What a hog5dog.
She died of course.",["There was an old lady who swallowed a ","I don't know why she swallowed that fly,
Perhaps she'll die.

","She swallowed the ","spider to catch the fly,
"," to catch the "," to swallow a ","spider,
",bird,"iggled ",cat]);

Pruébalo en línea!

Jörg Hülsermann

Chicle, 255 bytes

0000000: e0 04 85 00   f7 5d 00 2a   1a 08 a7 55   8e 22 31 d2 │ à...÷].*..§U."1Ò
0000010: cb f7 30 fa   52 4d 88 81   61 e4 be 9d   c2 f0 0e f8 │ Ë÷0úRM..aä¾.Âð.ø
0000020: dc c9 de 24   63 c9 1f c7   f7 71 e4 ed   40 68 0e d2 │ ÜÉÞ$cÉ.Ç÷qäí@h.Ò
0000030: cd 76 d8 d9   0d 61 78 f7   40 cf 23 95   48 e9 be 27 │ ÍvØÙ.ax÷@Ï#.Hé¾'
0000040: aa 75 57 ff   51 9e 1f 1f   25 d8 93 4d   18 69 c9 01 │ ªuWÿQ...%Ø.M.iÉ.
0000050: 12 16 ec c1   ff e0 01 7e   fa ea 1e cc   84 d7 58 b8 │ ..ìÁÿà.~úê.Ì.×X¸
0000060: 47 d4 40 b4   ff c7 64 a9   2f 07 bf 7b   f4 25 74 94 │ GÔ@´ÿÇd©/.¿{ô%t.
0000070: af da 8a fc   0c 18 81 58   b8 3c 2e 97   c0 9d e8 27 │ ¯Ú.ü...X¸<..À.è'
0000080: 3e 02 8a d2   1b 7c 94 cc   cb f4 05 7c   c7 77 f3 75 │ >..Ò.|.ÌËô.|Çwóu
0000090: ea 7e 02 d6   3a 84 5c 4e   1f 88 e7 03   9a 1d 3f 13 │ ê~.Ö:.\N..ç...?.
00000a0: a6 9f 2e cf   be 77 16 be   f1 5f 01 52   cf 13 89 b3 │ ¦..Ͼw.¾ñ_.RÏ..³
00000b0: f3 8a f7 90   18 08 50 99   27 f7 83 d2   a4 32 08 76 │ ó.÷...P.'÷.Ò¤2.v
00000c0: ef b4 99 6c   80 dd 1a 47   04 26 fe b1   02 b3 d4 e7 │ ï´.l.Ý.G.&þ±.³Ôç
00000d0: 3d 44 3a 64   64 46 39 77   35 61 6b 6c   7b 68 34 db │ =D:ddF9w5akl{h4Û
00000e0: 51 75 39 2e   bc 46 8e 96   d1 8a 4c 79   f4 7a 7b e0 │ Qu9.¼F..Ñ.Lyôz{à
00000f0: f5 44 85 eb   ef 68 d5 22   26 4a 2a ef   fc 60 00    │ õD.ëïhÕ"&J*ïü`.

Python 2 , 453 442 427 387 bytes

  • @nore guardó 11 bytes: ¡ Muchas gracias £!
  • guardado 15 bytes: swallowtaquigrafía
  • @nore guardó 40 bytes !!!!! ¡¡¡MUCHAS GRACIAS!!!
  • @Zachary T guardó 1 byte: espacio entre iny "..."eliminado
  • Gracias a la herramienta de búsqueda y reemplazo de notepad ++. ;)
r="%2(:0)That wr66j5 inside her(_1)How absurd+1({3)Imagine that+3(}4)What a hog+4(~4*3)}horse)She died of course."
for i in"}~3*1){!{~1*0)_!_~0*2):!:^2)$%!~She7ed the !%There was an old lady who7ed a !$Perhaps she'll die(\n!* to 3ch the !^I don't know why she7ed that !+ to7 a !(.\n!),\n!0spider!1bird!2fly!3cat!4dog!65 and !5iggled!7 swallow".split("!"):r=r.replace(i[0],i[1:])
print r

Pruébalo en línea!

Puede guardar una gran cantidad de bytes utilizando en ~lugar de £(que tiene dos bytes de longitud, ya que no es ASCII).
Woah, gracias hombre! ¡Nunca supe que era un personaje extendido!
Esto todavía puede ser bastante complejo (algunos caracteres con los símbolos al principio, 1 usando Python2 y más reemplazos de optimización)
No necesita un espacio entre iny un literal de cadena.

Groovy, 475 bytes

a="There was an old lady who $b a"
c="I don't know why she $b that fly,\nperhaps she'll die."
d="She $b the"
e=" to catch the"
f=" to swallow a"
h=" spider"
i=" fly"
j=" dog"
k=" cat"
l=" bird"

That wr$g and $g and j$g inside her.

How absurd$f$l.

Imagine that$f$k.

What a hog$f$j

$a horse,
She died of course."""

Nada demasiado interesante, solo mucha interpolación de cadenas. ¡Los consejos de golf en este caso son bienvenidos!

método estático
¿Querías escribir tragado, no superficial?
Destructible Lemon
@Destructible Lemon ya está arreglado: P
método estático

tcl, 451 bytes

lassign {\ swallowed fly, spider " to catch the " bird cat iggled " to swallow a"} W f s c b a i w
puts "[set t "There was an old lady who$W a "]fly.
[set I "I don't know why she$W that $f
Perhaps she'll die.

That wr$i and $i and j$i inside her.
[set S "She$W the "]$s$c$f
How absurd$w $b.[set v \n$S$b$c$s,\n$S$s$c$f\n$I]$t$a,
Imagine that$w $a.
[set X $S$a$c$b,$v$t]dog,
What a hog$w dog.
She died of course."

Disponible para ejecutarse en: http://rextester.com/live/GXF89639 (10º intento)


Wolfram Language (Mathematica) , 295 bytes

BinaryDeserialize@ByteArray@ToCharacterCode@"8C:xœåPANÃ0<ãWì­—(ï€R‘8o³[ÛÅx+;••ðnÖqª6(NÄÍšÏÎÌþãáÅqb(˜#H H'† …	Žaê͐ÄÝoQŠ*&ÈŽïT£Ã±
;óÌÉá9W~çÞ˜ïÊgOœ:U«YIÞÚPñHp÷<-o³ªA{³ÿ’…+7cs¼Ÿèqð‰:ó¨ð/‰jŒ…_Ø­È_¾îñËêéI=ôŽÖGnŽ«~JoÕšî–·­ô‡w ±y­NNìz%·V ¦»¥Çük9I™[*ýF Gä¢Xÿ	Tÿ”\""

Pruébalo en línea!

Esta solución es un descompresor de 46 bytes que BinaryDeserialize@ByteArray@ToCharacterCode@"..."actúa sobre una matriz de 248 bytes disfrazada como una cadena ASCII. Transferir esta cadena entre diferentes programas es un poco complicado. TIO, por ejemplo, explota esta solución en 416 bytes usando la codificación UTF-8 en lugar de mantener la cadena ASCII. Para obtener la solución mínima de 295 bytes, guarde el texto en una variable texty ejecute

BinaryWrite["ThereWasAnOldLady.wl", Join[
  Normal[BinarySerialize[text, PerformanceGoal -> "Size"]] /. {34 -> Sequence[92, 34]},

luego ejecute el archivo generado en la línea de comandos con

wolframscript -print -f ThereWasAnOldLady.wl 

Java 758 caracteres

Aquí está mi esfuerzo de Java (758 caracteres)

public class Poem{public static void main(String[] args){String s1="swallowed",st="There was an old lady who "+s1+" a |.",d1="Perhaps she'll die.",d2="She died ofcourse.",e="I don't know why she " + s1 + " that fly,\n";String[] a={ "fly","spider","bird","cat","dog","horse"};String[] q={ "","That wriggled and iggled and jiggled inside her.","How absurd |","Imagine that |","What a hog |",null};for(int i=0;i < a.length;i++){print(st.replace("|",a[i]));if(q[i]==null){print(d2);break;}if(!q[i].isEmpty()){               print((q[i].replace("|","to swallow a " + a[i])).trim());for(int j=i;j > 0;j--){print("She swallowed the " + a[j] + " to catch the " + a[j - 1] + ",");}}print(e + d1 + "\n");}}
static void print(String value){System.out.println(value);}}
Puede obtener algunos caracteres ... Poema => P, args => x, imprimir => p, valor => v, dos letras vars => una letra vars, eliminando más espacios.

Java, 655 bytes

public class M{public static void main(String[]P){String S="swallowed",T="There was an old lady who "+S+" a |.",e="I don't know why she "+S+" that fly,\n";String[]a={"fly","spider","bird","cat","dog","horse"};String[]q={"","That wriggled and iggled and jiggled inside her.","How absurd |","Imagine that |","What a hog |",null};for(int i=0;i<a.length;i++){p(T.replace("|",a[i]));if(q[i]==null){p("She died of course.");break;}if(!q[i].isEmpty()){p((q[i].replace("|","to swallow a "+a[i])).trim());for(int j=i;j>0;j--){p("She swallowed the "+a[j]+" to catch the "+a[j-1]+",");}}p(e+"Perhaps she'll die.\n");}}static void p(String v){System.out.println(v);}}

Esta es una versión de golf de esta respuesta . Hay más de 100 bytes guardados en cosas menores.

Algunas cosas más para el golf: public se pueden quitar; class M{public static void mainpuede ser interface M{static void main; String S=...,T=...,e=...;String[]a=...;String[]q=...;puede ser String S=...,T=...,e=...,a[]=...,q[]=...;; for(int i=0;...)...for(int j=ipuede ser for(int i=0,j;...)...for(j=i; for(j=i;j>0;j--)...a[j]...a[j-1]puede ser for(j=i;j>0;)...a[j]...[a--j]; static void p(String v){...}puede ser static<T>void p(T v){...}( 623 bytes ) Pruébelo en línea.
Kevin Cruijssen

Carbón , 369 366 bytes

A”↓0*)B⎚D³9;7Q7∨-f¶_²χ⁶;↧l⁺I´”¦αA“V×q▶²▷O≕⦃0j↖▷(τ⎇⦄4ω\`j0T⁹ψI2b1züρÀ↑‹⁻ê£AZ‹?DOR§1φ”¦βA⟦spider¦bird¦cat¦dog⟧¦λA,¶¦νA⟦”↶7⎇IPVpθθ⪪➙S²p⸿H⁸✂ν‖2↖²φ↘nτME⦄B↓ξlF⁵y”¦”↶7Nl@;⪫λ38N∕´≕⁺)³ nÀ‴⦃”¦”↶7←´<7YKBYχnZ-↖U⎇ι\HUθ%;⟧”¦”↶7∧§‴⟧O×φ¢\`*NQ¶G⁺$π‽ξat”⟧μA”↓/!Zm⪫⟧αÀ⁻Vε>⟲”¦σA”|‽aC-⁴t;Z⌕”¦τA“Y∨↷ur1BO#ÿk»⁻υv‽⌊←zω↘^”¦η⁺αβF⁴«⁺⁺⁺α§λιν§μιF⮌…⁰ι«⁺⁺⁺⁺σ§λ⁺κ¹τ§λκν»⁺⁺⁺σ§λ⁰τβ»⁺αη

Pruébalo en línea!

Enlace a la versión detallada del código.


PowerShell , 512 bytes


Pruébalo en línea!

Gracias a @Chirishman por su publicación .


Stax , 195 bytes

ó┤♣≤jß¡εD<Çjò≡²£c¼ìv┴Åô║,·~┼¢╝EΦ5xZ&√σ"ømÿ≡ZπvÅ╦♣1♦>▄\¬◘¡jS¢í╞╟╚);4j↕i¢s♦éÇöy‼ac┴àÇ╩»-ó»ónú¢│g5εÿ╔µ┬bîæ¢k‼f╓fJ○▐═╜<^Γ▀o▀Δnq░╩αÄ&│♣ⁿâmû╣Ç≡*@☺pG_ⁿö┤mσ/V\└?iq┌îB½Ä¿L╙N┐£Ç≥δ2 0δrµLä⌡(⌡▀╬àΦ⌠tƒìg" ⌠ZHó

Ejecutar y depurarlo

Desempaquetado, sin golf y comentado, se ve así.

`]q~*}8x9uA3_P0O`jX         push ["fly", "spider", "bird", "cat", "dog"] and store in X register
{                           start iteration over animal list
  `p{+P91{m@Lwe\Jk?!#8`Yp   Store "There was an old lady who swallowed a " in Y register and print it
  .,.i!@+                   Concatenate "." on the first iteration and "," thereafter to the animal
  P                         Print
  i{                        On all iterations after the first, execute this block
    `r4uB2O'O(4XghNqE PhaMg^-riMgR{N>A8LfCNqh@Rn$=aHX|93@_5d?d7qp2-`
                        Push "That wriggled and iggled and jiggled inside her. How absurd, bird. Imagine that, cat. What a hog, dog. She died of course"
    ',`?~nA${F"`R       Replace "," with " to swallow a"
    .. /                Split on string ". "
    iv@                 Get the (i-1)th element where i is the iteration index
    '.+P                Concatenate "." and print
  }M                    End of conditional block
  x2B                   Get adjacent pairs from x (list of animals)
  i(                    Keep first i pairs where i is the iteration index
  r{                    Iterate over reversed list of pairs
    `_,m+"S3&#`p        Print "She swallowed the "
    Ep                  Print the second animal from the pair
    `p<qr?t`p           Print " to catch the "
    ',+P                Concatenate "," to the first animal from the pair and print
  F                     End iterating block
  `;p(9Cv,77BzpP'kB|"`P Print "I don't know why she swallowed that fly,"
  `%?/3.=iHiS6y!`P      Print "Perhaps she'll die."
  zP                    Print a newline
F                       End outer animal iteration.
yp                      Print y register. ("There was an old lady who swallowed a ")
`zvVH`P                 Print "horse,"
                        Print "She died of course." with an unterminated literal

Ejecute este


PowerShell , 349 bytes = Script: 9 + Archivo: 340

tar xOf t

Pruébalo en línea!

El script de Powershell para crear el archivo t(ver TIO):

There was an old lady who swallowed a fly.
I don't know why she swallowed that fly,
Perhaps she'll die.
There was an old lady who swallowed a horse,
She died of course.
) | Set-Content f -Force
tar zcfo t f
Get-ChildItem f,t # output info about archive size