¿Cuánto tiempo lleva escribir esto?



Puedo escribir a un ritmo moderado, usando la distribución del teclado QWERTY. Pero si una palabra como yellowwooddoor tiene un montón de letras repetidas, toma un poco más de tiempo escribirla. Peor aún es cuando una palabra como "saltar" tiene el mismo dedo utilizado para varias letras consecutivas diferentes.

Este es el tiempo que me toma escribir letras en cada dedo (medido muy poco científicamente):

Las columnas son Nombre del dedo, pulsaciones de tecla / segundo, segundos / pulsación de tecla y las teclas utilizadas por cada dedo

Typing same letter twice:       
L Pinky 5.2 0.1923076923 1qaz
L Ring  5   0.2          2wsx
L Mid   5.3 0.1886792453 3edc
L Index 5.5 0.1818181818 4rfv5tgb
R Thumb 6.5 0.1538461538 [space]
R Index 6.9 0.1449275362 6yhn7ujm
R Mid   6.3 0.1587301587 8ik,
R Ring  6.2 0.1612903226 9ol.
R Pinky 6.1 0.1639344262 0p;'

Typing different letter on same finger:     
L Pinky 4.6 0.2173913043
L Ring  4.6 0.2173913043
L Mid   4.5 0.2222222222
L Index 5.3 0.1886792453
R Index 5.4 0.1851851852
R Mid   5.1 0.1960784314
R Ring  5.2 0.1923076923
R Pinky 5.2 0.1923076923

Mismos datos en formato CSV .

Se necesita

.75 * (first_finger_same_letter_time + second_finger_same_letter_time) / 2

hora de cambiar entre dos dedos.


Dada una cadena como entrada, ¿cuánto tiempo lleva escribirla?

  • El "temporizador" comienza en el momento en que se presiona la primera tecla y finaliza cuando se presiona la última tecla. Solo está contando el tiempo entre pulsaciones de teclas.
  • Este es el . La respuesta más corta en bytes gana.
  • La presentación puede ser un programa completo o una función.
  • La entrada y salida de la forma que desee , stdin / out, parámetros de función, archivo, no importa.
  • La salida debe tener una precisión de al menos 3 decimales (+/- 0.001 para el error de redondeo está bien). 0. a la izquierda para números menores a 1 y línea posterior opcional.
  • La entrada será una cadena que contiene (minúsculas) az, 0-9, espacio, punto y coma, coma, punto y apóstrofe.
  • Siempre escribo espacios con mi pulgar derecho.
  • Utilizo los dedos de escritura táctil normales (también puede consultar la tabla anterior para ver las asignaciones de teclas con los dedos).
  • Código de referencia utilizado para generar casos de prueba

Casos de prueba

(cadena vacía o cualquier cadena de un carácter) - 0.000

aa - 0.192

fff - 0.364

fj - 0.123

the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog - 5.795

yellowwooddoor - 1.983

orangewooddoor - 1.841

jump on it, jump on it - 2.748

type on it, type on it - 2.549

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567890 ;,.' - 5.746

ok, this may not be the most accurate but it's in the ballpark, maybe within 30 percent or so. - 12.138

Daniel M.
¿Podemos suponer que la entrada tendrá al menos 2 caracteres, o necesitamos salida 0si la entrada está vacía o tiene un solo carácter?
Kevin Cruijssen
Ya hay algunas respuestas que lo manejan, por lo que no va a cambiar las reglas a la mitad
Daniel M.
Un nuevo tipo de código de golf: en lugar de puntuar las respuestas en función del recuento de bytes, el ganador es quien puede escribir su programa más rápido.



JavaScript (Node.js) , 180 bytes


Pruébalo en línea!


Almacenar retrasos

sol0 0X17

g = x => 10 / Buffer('4.2.5-75E6?3>4=4AA')[x]


  • dos veces el número del contenedor para obtener el retraso de la misma letra
  • dos veces el número de contenedor + 1 para obtener el retraso para diferentes letras



Convertir un personaje en un contenedor de claves


yo=(((C×45)modificación91 91)modificación73)modificación41

Bucle principal

El tiempo total se actualiza con:t

t +=                        // add to t:
  1 / p ?                   //   if p is numeric:
    p - b ?                 //     if p is not equal to b:
      3 / 8 * (g(b) + g(p)) //       0.75 * (g(b) + g(p)) / 2
    :                       //     else:
      g(b | c != s)         //       g(b) if c == s or g(b + 1) otherwise
  :                         //   else (first iteration):
    0                       //     leave t unchanged

donde es la papelera anterior, y que es el carácter anterior.pags


Gelatina , 78 bytes


Pruébalo en línea!


“...’b25+45s2 - Link 1, keystrokes per 10 seconds: no arguments
“...’         - base 250 integer = 379310849477441257135820
     b25      - to base 25 = [16,7,7,1,5,1,8,0,10,8,24,9,18,6,17,7,20]
        +45   - add 45 = [61,52,52,46,50,46,53,45,55,53,69,54,63,51,62,52,65]
           s2 - split into twos
              - = [[61,52],[52,46],[50,46],[53,45],[55,53],[69,54],[63,51],[62,52],[65]]
             - For: 0...    1...    2...    3...    4...    6...    8...    9...    space

Øq;"““;“,.'”Zṙ-ØD;"s2ẎW$€3,4¦ẎœiⱮQḢ€ị¢QƑịZƊQ3.75⁵Ḋ?÷$SµƝS - Main Link: list of characters
                                                      µƝ  - for each neighbouring pair:
Øq                                                        -   qwerty = ["qwertyuiop","asdfghjkl","zxcvbnm"]
    ““;“,.'”                                              -   list of lists = ["",";",",.'"]
   "                                                      -   zip with:
  ;                                                       -     concatenate = ["qwertyuiop","asdfghjkl;","zxcvbnm,.'"]
            Z                                             -   transpose = ["qaz","wsx","edc","rfv","tgb","yhn","ujm","ik,","ol.","p;'"]
             ṙ-                                           -   rotate left -1 = ["p;'","qaz","wsx","edc","rfv","tgb","yhn","ujm","ik,","ol."]
               ØD                                         -   digits = "0123456789"
                  "                                       -   zip with:
                 ;                                        -     concatenate = ["0p;'","1qaz","2wsx","3edc","4rfv","5tgb","6yhn","7ujm","8ik,","9ol."]
                   s2                                     -   split into twos = [["0p;'","1qaz"],["2wsx","3edc"],["4rfv","5tgb"],["6yhn","7ujm"],["8ik,","9ol."]]
                            ¦                             -   sparse application...
                         3,4                              -   ...to indices: [3,4]
                       $€                                 -   ...do: last two links as a monad for each:
                     Ẏ                                    -     tighten
                      W                                   -     wrap in a list = [["0p;'","1qaz"],["2wsx","3edc"],["4rfv5tgb"],["6yhn7ujm"],["8ik,","9ol."]]
                             Ẏ                            -   tighten = ["0p;'","1qaz","2wsx","3edc","4rfv5tgb","6yhn7ujm","8ik,","9ol."]
                                 Q                        -   de-duplicate (the neighbouring letters)
                                Ɱ                         -   map with:
                              œi                          -     multi-dimensional index-into    e.g. "fj" -> [[5,3],[6,7]]
                                                          -     (note <space> is not there so yields an empty list)
                                  Ḣ€                      -   head of each                                -> [5,6]
                                                          -     (...and the head of an empty list is 0)
                                     ¢                    -   call the last Link (1) as a nilad
                                    ị                     -   index-into                                  -> [[55,53],[69,54]]
                                                          -     (...and 0 indexes into the rightmost entry)
                                          Ɗ               -   last three links as a monad:
                                       Ƒ                  -     invariant under?:
                                      Q                   -       de-duplicate (1 if so, else 0)
                                         Z                -       transpose                               -> [[55,69],[53,54]]
                                        ị                 -       index-into                              -> [55,69]
                                           Q              -   de-duplicate                                -> [55,69]
                                                    $     -   last two links as a monad:
                                                  ?       -     if...
                                                 Ḋ        -     ...condition: dequeue
                                            3.75          -     ...then: 3.75
                                                ⁵         -     ...else: 10                               -> 3.75
                                                   ÷      -     divide                                    -> [0.06818181818181818,0.05434782608695652]
                                                     S    -   sum                                         -> 0.12252964426877469
                                                        S - sum
Jonathan Allan

05AB1E , 92 86 bytes


Pruébelo en línea o verifique todos los casos de prueba .


Î                     # Push 0 and the input-string
 ü)                   # Create all pairs of the (implicit) input-string
                      # (which will be [] if the input-string is of length 0 or 1)
                      #  i.e. "ab d" → ["a","b"],["b"," "],[" ","d"]]
   v                  # Loop over these pairs `y`:
    •δ'ā∍ë*8U¾Ã•     '#  Push compressed integer 307264255556527588774514
      ₂в              #  Converted to Base-26 as list: [7,1,5,1,8,0,10,8,24,9,18,6,17,7,16,7,20]
        45+           #  Add 45 to each: [52,46,50,46,53,45,55,53,69,54,63,51,62,52,61,52,65]
           2ô         #  Split into parts of size 2: [[52,46],[50,46],[53,45],[55,53],[69,54],[63,51],[62,52],[61,52],[65]]
    9Ý                #  Push list [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
      À               #  Rotate it once to [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]
       žV             #  Push builtin ["qwertyuiop","asdfghjkl","zxcvbnm"]
         S           #  Convert each to a list of characters
           ζ          #  Zip/transpose; swapping rows/columns, with space as default filler:
                      #   [["q","a","z"],["w","s","x"],["e","d","c"],["r","f","v"],["t","g","b"],["y","h","n"],["u","j","m"],["i","k"," "],["o","l"," "],["p"," "," "]]
            ‚ø        #  Pair it with the digit list, and zip/transpose again
              ˜       #  Then flatten this entire list:
                      #   ["1","q","a","z","2","w","s","x","3","e","d","c","4","r","f","v","5","t","g","b","6","y","h","n","7","u","j","m","8","i","k"," ","9","o","l"," ","0","p"," "," "]
                      #  Replace the four spaces with [",", ".", ";", "'"] in order
     yk               #  Get the indices of the characters in the pair `y` in this list
                      #   i.e. ["b"," "] → [19,-1]
        4/            #  Divide both by 4
                      #   i.e. [19,-1] → [4.75,-0.25]
          ï           #  Floor the decimals to integers
                      #   i.e. [4.75,-0.25] → [4,-1]
           D3›-       #  If an index is larger than 3: decrease it by 1
                      #   i.e. [4,-1] → [3,-1]
               D4›-   #  If an index is now larger than 4: decrease it by 1 again
       D             #  Pair it with the original index
                      #   i.e. [[19,-1],[3,-1]]
                    © #  And save it in the register (without popping)
     θè               #  Then use the last of the two to index into the list of pairs
                      #   i.e. [3,-1] → [[55,53],[65]]
       ®€Ë            #  Check for each pair in the register if they're equal
                      #   i.e. [[19,-1],[3,-1]] → [0,0]
          O           #  Take the sum of that
           U          #  And pop and store it in variable `X`
            ε  }      #  Map the pairs in the list to:
             Xè       #   The `X`'th value in the pair
                      #    i.e. [[55,53],[65]] and `X`=0 → [55,65]
     T/               #  Divide each by 10
                      #   i.e. [55,65] → [5.5,6.5]
       z              #  And take 1/value for each
                      #  i.e. [5.5,6.5] → [0.181...,0.153...]
        X_i           #  If variable `X` was 0:
           O          #   Take the sum of these decimal values
                      #    i.e. [0.181...,0.153...] → 0.335...
            3*8/      #   Multiply it by 3, and then divide it by 8
                      #    i.e. 0.335... → 0.125...
          ë           #  Else:
           θ          #   Pop the pair of decimal values, and only leave the last one
   ]                  # Close both the if-else statement and the loop
    O                 # And take the sum of the stack
                      # (which is output implicitly as result)

Vea esta sugerencia mía 05AB1E (secciones ¿Cómo comprimir enteros grandes? Y ¿Cómo comprimir listas enteras? ) Para comprender por qué •δ'ā∍ë*8U¾Ã•es 307264255556527588774514y •δ'ā∍ë*8U¾Ã•₂вes [7,1,5,1,8,0,10,8,24,9,18,6,17,7,16,7,20].

Kevin Cruijssen