Roll cake frases


Los pasteles en rollo son deliciosos dulces hechos con una capa de bizcocho, una capa de crema (o helado), enrollada en espiral, ver Wikipedia .

Su tarea es obtener una cadena de frase no vacía de la entrada estándar, quitar los espacios y rodarla como un rollo de pastel comenzando desde el centro de derecha a izquierda en sentido antihorario, mientras que los espacios comienzan en la parte inferior de la primera carácter de frase, del centro de izquierda a derecha, como en el siguiente ejemplo.

Tenga en cuenta que la frase será la capa de bizcocho y la capa de crema se representará como espacios vacíos.

Input: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetu adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod

Output with spaces ' ' represented as _


Casos de prueba

Input: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetu adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod


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s i    m a
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Input: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges


e    r
d aS o
c n  f
h dbox

Input: Cake



Input: it







Python 2, 202 200 bytes

-2 bytes gracias a LevitatingLion

a=input().replace(' ','')
#Calculate the ammount of rotations
while s<l:s=n*(1+n)/2;n+=1
#Add trailing spaces to not break the rolling
a+=' '*(s-l)
#Add a cream layer on top and a cake layer on bottom of the cake and roll 90 degrees
for i in range(1,n):c=[' '*i]+zip(*c[::-1])+[a[:i]];a=a[i:]
#Finish the rolling to match the pattern
#Serve the cake
for i in c:print''.join(i)
Usted puede eliminar los paréntesis alrededor de exec: exec~i%4*'c=zip(*c[::-1]);'. Esto ahorra dos bytes

Befunge, 260 250 bytes

>00g:: :09g\`8+0\p::19g`8+1\p20g1-2%+00p10g:::29g\`8+2\p::39g`8^

Pruébalo en línea!

La idea básica es que construimos la espiral en la mitad inferior del campo de juego, manteniendo el seguimiento de las coordenadas mínimas y máximas a medida que avanzamos. Una vez que se ha procesado toda la entrada, iteramos sobre el rango de coordenadas y escribimos el contenido que se guardó.

Explicación detallada

Tenga en cuenta que el valores dx y dy están en el rango de 0 a 3, correspondiente a los desplazamientos relativos -1, 0, 1, 0. La actualización de la dirección se realiza sumando 1, módulo 4. La conversión a un desplazamiento relativo se realiza mediante restando 1, módulo 2.

"'"::00p09p19p      Set x, minx, and maxx to 39.
35*::10p29p39p      Set y, miny, and maxy to 15.
020p130p            Set dx to 0 (relative offset -1) and dy to 1 (relative offset 0).
140p                Set the segment length to 1.
0                   Set the index to 0 (on the stack).

                    -- The main input loop start here --
~                   Read a character from stdin.
:48*`_              If it's greater than 32 (i.e. not whitespace or EOL)...
  00g:              Get the current value of x and make a duplicate.
  ::09g\`8+0\p      If it's less than minx, update minx.
  ::19g`8+1\p       If it's greater than maxx, update maxx.
  20g1-2%           Calculate (dx-1)%2, which converts dx into the range -1 to 1.
  +00p              Add that to x and save (leaving the original x on the stack).
  10g:              Get the currrent value of y and make a duplicate.  
  ::29g\`8+2\p      If it's less than miny, update miny.
  ::39g`8+3\p       If it's greater than maxy, update maxy.
  30g1-2%           Calculate (dy-1)%2, which converts dy into the range -1 to 1.
  +10p              Add that to y and save (leaving the original y on the stack).
  p                 Store the character we read at the original x,y coordinates.
  1+                Increment the index by 1.
  :40g%!            Mod that with the current segment len; if zero it's time to turn.
  :20g+4%20p        Add the turn condition to the dx value, thus turning if needed.
  :30g+4%30p        Similarly add the turn condition to the dy value.
  :40g+40p          Also add it to the segment length, so it gets longer every turn.
  !*                Multiply the index by !turn, so it's reset to zero on every turn.
  ^                 Repeat the loop, reading another character.
0`!#v_^             If the char <= 32, we test for EOF and repeat the loop if not.

>                   If it is EOF, we start the output routine.
29g                 Initialise the y coordinate with miny.
:39g\-              Calculate maxy - miny to use as the height countdown.

                    -- The outer output loop starts here --
\:50p               Swap y to the top and save in a temporary variable.
09g                 Initialise the x coordinate with minx.
:19g\-              Calculate maxx - miny to use as our width countdown.
\                   Swap x to the top of the stack.

                    -- The inner output loop starts here --
  :50g              Take a copy of x and the y save in the temporary variable.
  g,                Read the character at those coordinate and write to stdout.
  \:_               Swap the width countdown to the top of the stack and break if zero.
  1-                Otherwise decrement the width countdown.
  \1+               Swap the x value back to the top and increment it.
  <                 Repeat the inner loop.

$$                  Clear the width countdown and x value from the stack.
1+                  Increment the y value.
\                   Swap the height countdown to the top of the stack.
:¬#@_               If it's zero, exit.
1-                  Otherwise decrement it.
55+,                Output a line break.
^                   Repeat the outer loop.
James Holderness