“apt vs apt-get” Código de respuesta

apt vs apt-get

Advanced Packaging Tool (APT)'s origins start in Debian - a distro from where
many other distros started from. APT is simply set of APIs. The command 
line tools apt and apt-get interact with APT. In summary,

- apt: The more user friendlier version of the tools.
- apt-get: The older of the two, backwards compatible and OG developer focused.
(there are others: apt-cache, ...)

Conclusion: Stick with apt if you can. Use apt-get if you need specific function
alities that are otherwise unavialable. Doesnt matter much anyways none are dep

¿Qué es el defensor entre apt y apt-get?

   The apt command is meant to be pleasant for end users and does not need
   to be backward compatible like apt-get(8). Therefore some options are

   ·   The option DPkg::Progress-Fancy is enabled.
   ·   The option APT::Color is enabled.
   ·   A new list command is available similar to dpkg --list.
   ·   The option upgrade has --with-new-pkgs enabled by default.
Plain Pelican


They are very similar command line tools available in Trusty (14.04) and later. 
apt-get and apt-cache's most commonly used commands are available in apt.

apt-get may be considered as lower-level and "back-end", and support other APT-based tools. 
apt is designed for end-users (human) and its output may be changed between versions.

READ MORE: from the sourc link.. 


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