QCUT y función de corte en Python Stack Overflow

>>> x=np.array([24,  7,  2, 25, 22, 29])
    >>> x
    array([24,  7,  2, 25, 22, 29])

    >>> pd.cut(x,3).value_counts() #Bins size has equal interval of 9
    (2, 11.0]        2
    (11.0, 20.0]     0
    (20.0, 29.0]     4

    >>> pd.qcut(x,3).value_counts() #Equal frequecy of 2 in each bins
    (1.999, 17.0]     2
    (17.0, 24.333]    2
    (24.333, 29.0]    2
Odd Ocelot