“Python para bucle inicio en el índice con enumerado” Código de respuesta

Índice de acceso de Python en el bucle

for index, item in enumerate(items):
    print(index, item)

#if you want to start from 1 instead of 0
for count, item in enumerate(items, start=1):
    print(count, item)

Python para bucle inicio en el índice con enumerado

items_list = ["python","enumerate","function","with","custom","start"]

custom_start = 1 # default_start = 0

for index,item in enumerate(items_list, start = custom_start):
     if index == 1:
         print("index starts at {custom_start} with a stored value of {list_value}".format(custom_start=index, list_value=item))
         print("index continues as {} with a value of {}".format(index,item))

Nice Narwhal

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