“Obtenga fecha y hora en Python” Código de respuesta

Fecha actual de Python

from datetime import date

today = date.today()
print("Today's date:", today)

Obtenga fecha y hora actuales con Python

import datetime
2021-11-13 23:30:38.419951
David Cao

Obtenga fecha y hora en Python

from datetime import datetime

now = datetime.now().time().strftime("%H:%M:%S") # time object
date = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d") # date object
print("time =", now)

Fecha y hora en Python

# You can use Numpy's datetime_as_string function.
# The unit='D' argument specifies the precision, in this case days.

t = numpy.datetime64('2012-06-30T20:00:00.000000000-0400')
numpy.datetime_as_string(t, unit='D')


Fecha y hora en Python

>>> import pytz
>>> from datetime import datetime, date, time
# To get the UTC time of current day (today) for a given time zone
# use the localize() function of the pytz. 
# The reason for this is that the localize() takes into account the Day Time Saving
# which niether the datetime constructors nor replace() account for.
# To for example, the utc time of today in australia time zone:

import pytz
from datetime import datetime, date, time

# set time zone
tz = pytz.timezone("Australia/Melbourne")

# Get today's date in the current time zone (i.e local time)
todaydate = date.today() # you can also use date(2022, 2, 8)

# Get midnight of today (still local time)
# note time() without arguments will result to midnight

midnight_local = datetime.combine(todaydate, time())

print midnight_local

# convert this midnight datetime to the midnight datetime
# in the given time zone. In this case autralia time zone
austra_midnight = tz.localize(midnight_local)

print austra_midnight

# convert the midnight time in australia time zone to UTC
midnight_austra_utc = austra_midnight.astimezone(pytz.uct)

print midnight_austra_utc

# Ref:
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/373370/how-do-i-get-the-utc-time-of-midnight-for-a-given-timezone

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