NetworkX - Combinaciones únicas de rutas
# Unique combinations of paths
gg = nx.complete_graph(6) # Create a complete graph
nx.draw(gg, with_labels = True) # Plot graph
source = 0 # Set source node
target = 3 # Set target node
gg.remove_edge(0, 3)
paths = nx.all_simple_paths(gg, source=source, target=target, cutoff=5) # Find all paths between two nodes
# Method 1
s = set(map(frozenset, paths)) # Remove duplicates {frozenset({0, 3, 4}), frozenset({0, 2, 3})...
non_redundant_paths = [[source, *[*p-{source,target}],target] for p in s]
# Method 2
non_redundant_paths = []
seen = []
for p in paths:
if set(p) not in seen: # Keep track of the seen ones using a set
Andrea Perlato