gato de pitón

#The cat command is a shell command found in UNIX-based operating systems such as macOS and Linux. 
#cat is a short form for concatenate.
#This command is used to display the content of files, concatenate contents of multiple files into a single file, create single and multiple files.

#In the Linux kernel, I can send a file to the printer using the following command

cat file.txt > /dev/usb/lp0

#From what I understand, this redirects the contents in file.txt into the printing location. I tried using the following command

>>os.system('cat file.txt > /dev/usb/lp0') 

#I thought this command would achieve the same thing, but it gave me a "Permission Denied" error. In the command line, I would run the following command prior to concatenating.

sudo chown root:lpadmin /dev/usb/lp0