Diccionario de Python
human = {
"code": "Python",
"name": "John",
"age": 32
#32 :D
The Cat Coder
human = {
"code": "Python",
"name": "John",
"age": 32
#32 :D
# Creating an empty Dictionary
Dict = {}
print("Empty Dictionary: ")
# Creating a Dictionary
# with dict() method
Dict = dict({1: 'Geeks', 2: 'For', 3:'Geeks'})
print("\nDictionary with the use of dict(): ")
# Creating a Dictionary
# with each item as a Pair
Dict = dict([(1, 'Geeks'), (2, 'For')])
print("\nDictionary with each item as a pair: ")
<view> = <dict>.keys() # Coll. of keys that reflects changes.
<view> = <dict>.values() # Coll. of values that reflects changes.
<view> = <dict>.items() # Coll. of key-value tuples that reflects chgs.
value = <dict>.get(key, default=None) # Returns default if key is missing.
value = <dict>.setdefault(key, default=None) # Returns and writes default if key is missing.
<dict> = collections.defaultdict(<type>) # Creates a dict with default value of type.
<dict> = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 1) # Creates a dict with default value 1.
<dict> = dict(<collection>) # Creates a dict from coll. of key-value pairs.
<dict> = dict(zip(keys, values)) # Creates a dict from two collections.
<dict> = dict.fromkeys(keys [, value]) # Creates a dict from collection of keys.
<dict>.update(<dict>) # Adds items. Replaces ones with matching keys.
value = <dict>.pop(key) # Removes item or raises KeyError.
{k for k, v in <dict>.items() if v == value} # Returns set of keys that point to the value.
{k: v for k, v in <dict>.items() if k in keys} # Returns a dictionary, filtered by keys.
stationary_items = {
"Pencil":"Pencil is used to write things in copy",
"Eraser": "Eraser is used to remove the written things",
"Sharpner":"This is used to sharp your pencil"
dict_name = {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2", ...}
#Creating dictionaries
dict1 = {'color': 'blue', 'shape': 'square', 'volume':40}
dict2 = {'color': 'red', 'edges': 4, 'perimeter':15}