“Php de matriz clon” Código de respuesta

Php de matriz clon

$b = $a
$b = array_merge(array(), $a); // reindex the array
Tired Tapir

Copiar la matriz PHP a otro

$arr1 = ['a'=>1, 'b'=>2, 'c'=>3];
$arr2 = $arr1;

//['b'=>2, 'c'=>3]
// ------- OR -------
$arr2 = clone $arr1;

//['a'=>1, 'b'=>2, 'c'=>3]
Victorious Vole

matriz de copia de PHP

// PHP will copy the array by default.
$a = array(1,2);

$b = $a; // $b will be a different array

$c = &$a; // $c and $a will be the same array (same reference)
Fancy Fowl

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