“CakePhp 2 con enlace personalizar” Código de respuesta

CakePhp 2 con enlace personalizar

Router::url('/', true) . 'img/example.png' (cakephp 2)
// localhost/domain/event/detail
$current_url = $this->request->here();
// => /domain/event/detail
Zidane (Vi Ly - VietNam)

CakePhp 2 con enlace personalizar

echo $this->Html->link(__('<i class="fas fa-icons"></i>'), array(
  'plugin' => 'building', 
  'controller' => 'service_icons', 
  'action' => 'index', 
  '?building_post_id=' . $buildingPost['BuildingPost']['id']), array('class' => 'btn btn-info btn-xs', 'escape' => false, 'data-toggle'=>'tooltip', 'title' => __d('building', 'add_service_icon')));

// output
// http://localhost/paragonasia-portal/admin/building/service_icons/index/?building_post_id=16
Zidane (Vi Ly - VietNam)

CakePhp 2 con enlace personalizar

//chnage the layout in Cakephp 4 with the layout file called ajax.php
Fierce Falcon

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