“valores falsos en js” Código de respuesta

valores falsos javascript

false		//The keyword false.
0			//The Number zero (so, also 0.0, etc., and 0x0).
-0			//The Number negative zero (so, also -0.0, etc., and -0x0).
0n, -0n		//The BigInt zero and negative zero (so, also 0x0n/-0x0n).
"", '', ``	//Empty string value.
null		//the absence of any value.
undefined	//the primitive value.
NaN			//not a number.

//Objects are falsy if and only if they have the [[IsHTMLDDA]] internal slot.
//That slot only exists in document.all and cannot be set using JavaScript.

valores falsos en js

// falsy values in javascript

1) false
2) 0, -0, 0n
3) null
4) undefined
5) NaN
6) "", '', `` // empty string
Inquisitive Iguana

JS Valores falsos

    let a = false
    let b = 0
    let c = -0
    let d = 0n
    let e = ''
    let f = null
    let g = undefined
    let h = NaN
Surf Kid Bonanza

Valor de falsificación en JavaScript

if (false)
if (null)
if (undefined)
if (0)
if (-0)
if (0n)
if (NaN)
if ("")
Shibu Sarkar

Valor de falsificación en JavaScript

- 0
Ariful Islam Adil(Code Lover)

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